Bana sahte yükleyici yap


Sahte bir yükleyici gibi yapın:


  • Ekran loading(boşluk), bu siklik bir -\|/(boşluk) (0-100 aralığında yüzde sayacı) daha sonra bir %.
  • Ekranın her değiştiğinde yüzde sayacının 1 oranında artması beklenir.
  • Sayacın bir sonraki yinelemeye atlaması için geçen süre rastgeledir. Herhangi bir rasgele işlev / yöntem, 1<= ms <=750burada > 0 olabilirlik olasılığı olan tüm rasgele tamsayıları msmilisaniye cinsinden zaman zaman üretebildiği sürece yapacaktır .
  • Başlangıç olarak loading - 0 %.
  • End de loading - 100 %.
  • Bir göndermek tam bir program veya fonksiyon ya da benzer neyse.

Kullandığım kod:

C ++


int main()
    char a[15],b[]="-\\|/";
    int i=0,j=0,ms;
        wsprintf(a,"loading %c %d ",b[i],j++);
            //This part is to make the output look cool
            case 0:ms=1;break;
            case 1:ms=2;break;
            case 2:ms=5;break;
            case 3:ms=10;break;
            case 4:ms=15;break;
            case 5:ms=20;break;
            case 6:ms=25;break;
            case 7:ms=50;break;
            case 8:ms=500;
        Sleep(ms);  //Otherwise this is supposed to be random
        if(j<101)   //like this Sleep(rand()%750+1);


  • en az bayt olan kod kazanır.

Bunun bir kopya olduğunu düşünmedim. Bu soru> <> dilinde uygulanamaz, ancak *> <> içinde olabilir. Çok beğendim.

@Mego Bu soru bir kopya değil. Çıktı biraz farklı, çalışma zamanı tamamıyla farklı ve çıktı 250ms'lik sabit bir gecikme yerine rastgele bir zaman gerektiriyor . Bir soruya verilen cevaplar ağır değişiklik yapılmadan diğerinde kullanılamaz. Lütfen soruları okuyun.
Ismael Miguel,

Diğer mücadelenin yazarı olarak, dupe tartışmasına gireceğim. Bisiklet karakterleri ( \|/-) aynı olsa da , cevap sonsuz olmadığından ve statik bir çıktıdan ziyade rasgele sayıların üretilmesini gerektirdiğinden farklı görünüyor. Bu nedenle, ilk başta kopyalandığımı hissetmeme rağmen, bu bana bir dupe gibi gözükmüyor.

@ flp.tkc bu fikir -\|/bazı oyunlarda gördüğüm gibi birçok yerden bir araya geldi . Konsol kurulum programlarından ilham aldım.
Mukul Kumar



MATL , 45 bayt


Çevrimdışı derleyicide çalışma örneği:

enter image description here

Veya MATL Online'da deneyin !


101:          % Push array [1 2 ... 101]
"             % For each
  'loading'   %   Push this string
  O           %   Push 0. When converted to char it will be displayed as a space
  '-\|/'      %   Push this sring
  @)          %   Modular index into this string with iteration index
  O           %   Push 0
  @q          %   Iteration index minus 1
  V           %   Convert to string
  O           %   Push 0
  37          %   Push 37, which is ASCII for '%'
  &h          %   Concatenate horizontally into a string, Numbers are converted to char
  D           %   Display
  750Yr       %   Random integer with uniform distribution on [1 2 ... 750]
  100/        %   Divide by 100
  &Xx         %   Pause that many tenths of a second and clear screen
              % End (implicit)


Powershell, 71 68 65 Bayt

Https:// ile benzer

Salak olmamakla 3 bayt kurtarıldı (yükleniyor ... bıraktı)

-3 VisualMelon sayesinde

750'nin dahil edildiğinden emin olmak için 750 -> 751 değiştirildi.

0..100|%{cls;"loading $("|/-\"[$_%4]) $_ %";sleep -m(random 751)}


0..100|%{                                  #For range 0-100...
    cls                                    #Clear Display
    "loading $("|/-\"[$_%4]) $_ %"    #Display the current string
    sleep -m(random 750)                  #Sleep random ms up to 750

Gif güncellendi

enter image description here

çıktınız tam olarak aynı değil lütfen benim gif'ime bakın ve sizinkileri düzeltin
Mukul Kumar

Sonra boşluğu bırakıp -mparantezleri kaybedebileceğinizi düşünüyorum $_%4(en azından kutumda çalışıyor gibi görünüyor).

@ VisualMelon teşekkürler, ()doğrudan kodumu kopyaladığım diğer zorluktan kalanlardı.


Python 2, 119 113 112 Bayt

Başlangıçta rastgele olan miktarla gitmiştim random()/.75, ancak son nokta dahil edilmedi. Sonsuz yükleme süresi için rastlantısallık ve gerçekte bittiği gerçeği dışında, bundan diğer soruya çok fazla bir fark yoktur.

import time,random as r
for i in range(101):print'\rLoading','-\|/'[i%4],i,'%',;time.sleep(r.randint(1,750)/1e3)

6 byte'ı kaydettiği için Jonathan Allan'a ve bir byte'ı kaydettiği için DJMcMayhem'e teşekkürler!

6 bayt kaydet import time,random as rve r.randint.
Jonathan Allan,

@JonathanAllan Böyle bir ithalat yapabileceğinizi anlamadınız mı, teşekkürler!

Döngü biraz daha kısa olan:for i in range(101):print'\rLoading','-\|/'[i%4],i,'%',;time.sleep(r.randint(1,750)/1e3)

@DJMcMayhem Hocam, bir range(1,101)sebepten dolayı test ettim ..

Aslında, 3 bayt daha kısa bir şey daha buldum:i=0;for c in'-\|/'*25:print'\rLoading',c,i,'%',;time.sleep(r.randint(1,750)/1e3);i+=1


Toplu iş, 185 bayt

@set s=-\!/
@for /l %%i in (0,1,100)do @call:l %%i
@set c=%s:~0,1%
@set s=%s:~1%%c%
@echo Loading %c:!=^|% %1 %%
@ping>nul 1.1 -n 1 -w %w%

Zamanlama maalesef oldukça zayıf, ancak Batch'in kullanmaktan daha iyi bir şeyi yok ping.

Bu sadece Windows'ta çalışır. FreeCom DOS toplu iş verir Loading % Invalid switch. - /aw ( hala kopyamı bulabilirsem MS DOS'ta denemeyi çok isterim).
Brian Minton,

@BrianMinton: MS DOS'ta çalıştırmada iyi şanslar (ping komutu yok)

@BrianMinton Gelişmiş değişken değişkenleri nedeniyle CMD.EXE gerektiriyor.

@Joshua Peki, en azından yerleşik değil; bu Windows 2000'e kadar olmadı.


*> <> (Denizyıldızı), 86 82 bayt

| v1*aoooooooo"loading K"&0"-\|/"
!0x1! +
%$<.0+af{od;?)*aa&:&Soono$&+1:&"  %"{o:}

Burada dene!

Bu daha çok golf oynayabilir, ancak çok açık bir şey göremiyorum. Yeterince rastgele değilse, 100ms, 400ms veya 700ms uyuyor, bana bildirin!

Bana 4 byte tasarruf sağladığı ve daha rastgele yaptığınız için @TealPelican'a teşekkürler!

Bulduğum en büyük zorluk (hala küçük tutmaya çalışırken) rastlantısallıktı ve aslında en yakın rahatlığımdan çıkmak yerine sonunda "yükleme -% 100" yazıyordu: p.

Hey,> <> dilindeki bu konuşmaya bayılıyorum, çok daha fazla zorluk ortaya çıkıyor: D - Kodunuzda biraz değişiklik yaptım ve çok fazla azaltmadım ama rastgele sayıları değiştirdim. Link> <> code Bunu *> <> 'da uygulanabilir kılmak için yapılan tek değişiklik, zamanı kullanmak için ~ kod linkinden S'ye değiştirmektir. Bu, 749'a kadar rasgele sayılar üretir ve fazla yığın işlemlerini keser. PS eğer yapabilirseniz çok isterim *> <> çevrimiçi tercüman: D
Teal pelikan

@Tealpelican, teşekkürler! Değişikliklerinizi çok seviyorum, özellikle de rasgele sayı üreteci! Ben de bir çevrimiçi * * <> tercüman isterdim: s. JS ile çok sık oynamıyorum, ancak her ikisi de JS ile oynamaya ya da Go tercümanını önce GopherJS üzerinden çalıştırmaya çalışacağım. :)

Teşekkürler, gerçekten çalışan bir versiyonun ortaya çıkması biraz zaman aldı ama bu benim üretebileceğim golf oyununa benziyor. Gözlerimi bunun dışında tutacağım ve değilse bir piton yapmak için cüret edemez. Hala ilk hattın biraz daha golf oynayabileceğini düşünüyorum ama bunu kendim başaramadım.
Peal Pelikan

@Tealpelican hopefully this fills the online interpreter itch, or at least gets the ball rolling. I'm going to look into a way to share code later.

That was quick, just running the program in it now and seems to work fine :D I'm going to try have a look at using this for some challenges this week.
Teal pelican


Perl 6, 67 bytes

for |<- \ | />xx* Z 0..100 {print "\rloading $_ %";sleep .750.rand}



  # produce a list of all the pairs of values

  |<- \ | /> xx *   # a flat infinite list of "clock faces"
  Z                 # zipped with
  0 .. 100          # all the numbers from 0 to 100 inclusive

  # &zip / &infix:<Z> stop on the shortest list


  # 「$_」 will look something like 「("/", 39)」
  # when it is coerced to a Str, all of its elements
  # will be coerced to Str, and joined with spaces

  print "\rloading $_ %";

  sleep .750.rand



Javascript (ES6), 128 118 116 115 112 110 109 bytes

This seems to work perfectly fine, even with this sketchy source of "random" numbers.

(X=_=>setTimeout(i>99||X,1+new Date%750,document.body.innerHTML=`<pre>Loading ${'-\\|/'[i%4]} ${i++}%`))(i=0)

Alternative 1, Javascript + HTML, 16 + 84 bytes

This one uses an already-existing element to display the remaining content:

(X=_=>setTimeout(i>99||X,1+new Date%750,a.innerHTML=`${'-\\|/'[i%4]} ${i++}%`))(i=0)
Loading <a id=a>

Alternative 2, 95 bytes

If I can assume a tab is opened and that you're pasting this into the console:

(X=_=>setTimeout(i>99||X,1+new Date%750,document.title=`Loading ${'-\\|/'[i%4]} ${i++}%`))(i=0)

Instead of showing the HTML, the title of the document will change.

Thank you to @user2428118 for saving 2 bytes!

You can drop the () after Date to save two bytes.

@user2428118 I didn't knew that that works! Thank you for the tip.
Ismael Miguel


F#, 118 bytes

async{let r=System.Random()
for i in 0..100 do printf"\rLoading %O %d %%""|/-\\".[i%4]i;do!Async.Sleep(r.Next(1,750))}

In order to run this snippet, pass it into Async.Start or Async.RunSynchronously.

Instant upvote because of F#


PHP, 90 83 80 78 77 Bytes


The closing ; is not needed.

for(;$i<101;usleep(rand(1,75e4)))echo"\rloading ",'-\|/'[$i%4],' ',$i+++0,'%'


While looking for another workaround to get a 0 initially without initializing the variable I came up with this:

for(;$i<101;usleep(rand(1,75e4)))echo"\rloading ",'-\|/'[$i%4],' ',$i+++0,'%';

Changed back to echo to win a few bytes as I only used printf to force-format as int. By incrementing the incremented $i with 0 I get a valid integer. By using single quotes as string delimiter the backslash does not need to be escaped, resulting in another byte freed


Moving the increment of $i from the last for-section to the prinf gave me another 3 off. (See comments below)

for(;$i<101;usleep(rand(1,75e4)))printf("\rloading %s %d%%","-\\|/"[$i%4],$i++);


Removed init of a variable with the loaderstates.

for(;$i<101;usleep(rand(1,75e4)),$i++)printf("\rloading %s %d%%","-\\|/"[$i%4],$i);


I tried removing the init of $i to gain some bytes, as I had to add quite a few to enable the loader animation. printf adds 2 as opposed to echo, but formatting NULL as an integer results in 0.

for($l='-\|/';$i<101;usleep(rand(0,750)*1e3),$i++)printf("\rloading %s %d%%",$l[$i%4],$i);

There's one mistake: The question requires the delay to be between 1 and 750, inclusive. You have between 0 and 750. Also, you could move the increment to the printf, saving you a single byte: for(;$i<101;usleep(rand(1,750)*1e3))printf("\rloading %s %d%%",'-\|/'[$i%4],$i++); (82 bytes)
Ismael Miguel

@IsmaelMiguel rand() is inclusive, or is this because of the multiplication by *1e3? I'm going to sneak in that free byte.

The question requires a random interval between 1ms and 750ms (inclusive). rand(0,750)*1e3 returns a value between 0 (invalid) and 750, which is multiplied by 1000. rand(1,75e4) returns a value between 1 (invalid) and 750000. The delay must be rand(1,750)*1e3, since you use usleep(). It works with microseconds, which is 1000x smaller than a millisecond.
Ismael Miguel

This may take you inconveniently close to user59178´s answer, but echo is 3 bytes shorter than printf. You may want to put the most recent version to the top and use #title instead of **title**. And there is a space missing between the number and the %.

@Titus I can't use echo here because I didn't initialize my $i, null to string evaluates to '', via printf I force integer (%d) resulting in null = 0. #justphpthings


Groovy, 113 87 bytes

-36 bytes thanks to lealand

{p=-1;101.times{print"\rLoading ${"-\\|/"[p++%4]} $p%";sleep Math.random()*750as int}}​

84 bytes, and should run from Groovy console: p=-1;101.times{println"Loading ${"-\\|/"[p++%4]} $p%";sleep Math.random()*750as int}

Although the question owner not explicitly requested, he probably wants the consecutive loading messages to overwrite each other. There is no size difference, so better change println"Loading…print"\rLoading…. And remove that variable p, use the implicit it instead.


Bash, 162 104 bytes

Modification of Zachary's answer on a related question, with massive improvements by manatwork:

for x in {0..100};{
printf "\rloading ${s:x%4:1} $x %%"
sleep `printf .%03d $[RANDOM%750+1]`

I had to look up how to do random numbers in bash.

Ungolfed / Explained

for x in {0..100}
    # \r returns the carriage to the beginning of the current line.
    # ${s:x%4:1} grabs a substring from s, at index x%4, with a length of 1.
    printf "\rloading ${s:x%4:1} $x %%"

    # "$RANDOM is an internal bash function that returns
    #   a pseudorandom integer in the range 0 - 32767."
    # .%03d is a dot followed by a base-ten number formatted to 3 places,
    #   padded with zeros if needed.
    # sleep accepts a floating point number to represent milliseconds.
    sleep `printf .%03d $[RANDOM%750+1]`

Nice first try. See Tips for golfing in Bash for improvement tips. Personally would go with s='-\|/';for x in {0..100};{ printf "\rloading ${s:x%4:1} $x %%";sleep `printf .%03d $[RANDOM%750+1]`; } BTW, our fellow site Unix & Linux also has a question about How to do integer & float calculations, in bash or other languages/frameworks?.

@manatwork Good links! I didn't know about $[math], using { } instead of do done, or using back ticks instead of $(). Yeah, reusing $x for accessing the loader graphic array makes sense. Also, slapping a . in front of the number to get the decimal for sleep is pretty sweet!


C#, 170 149 135 Bytes

()=>{for(int i=0;i++<=100;System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(1,750)))Console.Write($"\rloading {@"-\|/"[i % 4]} {i} %");};


static void l()
    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(new Random().Next(1, 750)))
        Console.Write($"\rloading {@"-\|/"[i % 4]} {i} %");   

I won't guarantee that every character in this is right, please correct me if there are compilation errors. I had to type the whole thing on my phone so I might have accidentally included some errors... ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I hope you guys forgive me that

Tested it on my PC, works like a charm and I even saved a whole 20 bytes thanks to pmbanka :)

You can use \r (carriage return) instead of Console.Clear(). You can also inline s variable to save some bytes.

You can also save an extra byte by replacing the i<=100 for i<101

for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) can be rewritten as for (int i = 0; i++ <= 100;) Then you can put the Thread.Sleep within the place where i++ was and save both curly brackets. Cutting 3 bytes in total

Also OP didnt ask for a Programm so you can replace static void l() with ()=>


C 112 103 bytes

Saved 9 bytes thanks to @G. Sliepen. Not very exciting, just a golf of your C++ answer basically. Also not a very exciting random function. I thought about Sleep(c[i%4]), or Sleep(i) but they're not random at all!

i;f(){for(;i<101;printf("\rloading %c %d %%","-\\|/"[i%4],i++),Sleep(rand()%750+1));}


#include <windows.h>
int i;
void f() {
  for(;i<101;) {
    printf("\rloading %c %d %%", "-\\|/"[i%4], i++);

I am afraid but rand ()%750 generates numbers from 0-749 you will need to add 1.
Mukul Kumar

Changing rand()%750 to rand()%751 won't give the result you want. It will generate a random value between 0 and 750. In the question, the delay must be between 1 and 750 (inclusive). According to, the rand() function generates numbers between 0 and (at least) 32767. If you do 0 % 750, you get 0 since 0 / <anything> == 0.
Ismael Miguel

Shave off 9 bytes by removing char*c="-\\|/"; and using the literal string directly instead of the variable c: printf(...,"-\\|/"[i%4],...)
G. Sliepen


Mathematica, 133 Bytes

Dynamic[If[x<100,x++,,x=0];Row@{"Loading ",StringPart["-\|/",1+x~Mod~4]," ",x,"%"},

This will run once, assuming x is undefined. Clear@x will restart it.

55 characters tied up in verbosity :/

Is that a fixed interval or will it be repeatedly randomized?

It's randomized. UpdateInterval:>.75 would have been fixed
Kelly Lowder

@Titus: I believe UpdateInterval:>RandomReal@.75 repeatedly calls RandomReal, but UpdateInterval->RandomReal@.75 would call it only once.


R - 94 bytes

for(i in 0:100){cat('\rLoading',c('-','\\','|','/')[i%%4+1],i,'%');Sys.sleep(sample(750,1)/1e3)}

Really nice that sample(750,1) == sample(1:750,1).


HTML + JS (ES6), 16 + 87 = 103 bytes

(f=_=>a.innerHTML='\\|/-'[i++%4]+` ${i<100&&setTimeout(f,Math.random()*750),i} %`)(i=0)
loading <a id=a>


PHP, 66 79 bytes

for($i=-1;++$i<101;usleep(rand(1,75e4)))echo"\rloading ","-\\|/"[$i%4]," $i %";

Unfortunately I had to assign $i in order to get it to print '0'.
Use like:

php -r 'for($i=-1;++$i<101;usleep(rand(1,75e4)))echo"\rloading ","-\\|/"[$i%4]," $i %";'

Edits: thanks to Titus confirming exactly what's allowed with Mukul Kumar we can save 3 bytes with a less restricted range, but not all 9 bytes with an unrestricted range. Thanks also for pointing out that I forgot the cycling character and providing a simple solution to do it.

The random requirements are that you generate all 1ms to 750ms with a possibility>0. I can´t see that other values are prohibited. rand(1,75e4) saves 3 bytes; 1e6 can save another one; and no parameters at all save 9 bytes altogether; and I don´t see that violate any rule. But you forgot to cycle the character: +16 for ","-\\|/"[$i%4]," instead of -.

@Titus Won't usleep(rand(1,75e4)) generate a random interval between 1 microsecond and 750 milliseconds? Also, according to the question, the interval must be between 1 and 750, inclusive.
Ismael Miguel

See the latest comments on the question: 1 to 75e4 is acceptable.

@Titus I'd considered changes like those but decided to go with what seemed implied by the question (integer millisecond delays). Thanks for asking exactly what was allowed!


Noodel, noncompeting 40 bytes

Just going back through old challenges (as in challenges that were made before Noodel) and competing with Noodel to find where it is weak.


If final output does not matter, then can save 2 bytes.


Noodel pushes the top of the stack to the screen at the end of the program so by adding the €Ḃ it prevents that from happening.

Try it:)

How It Works

Loading¤”ḋḟƇḣ⁺s¤ṡ⁺Ḷ101ạ¤%ɱṠĖ²⁺Çṛ749⁺1ḍ€Ḃ # Main Noodel script.

Loading¤”ḋḟƇḣ⁺s¤ṡ⁺                       # Creates the array ["Loading¤-¤", "Loading¤\¤", "Loading¤|¤", "Loading¤/¤"]
Loading¤                                 # Pushes the string "Loading¤"
        ”Ƈḟḋḣ                            # Pushes the array ["-", "\", "|", "/"]
             ⁺s                          # Concats "Loading¤" to each element in the array by prepending.
               ¤                         # Pushes a "¤" onto the stack.
                ṡ                        # Pushes

                  Ḷ101ạ¤%ɱṠĖ²⁺Çṛ749⁺1ḍ   # Main loop that creates the animation.
                  Ḷ101                   # Loop the following code 101 times.
                      ạ                  # Pushes on a copy of the next animation element from the array.
                       ¤%                # Pushes the string "¤%"
                         ɱ               # Pushes on the current count of the number of times that have looped (zero based).
                          Ṡ              # Swaps the two items at the bottom of the stack.
                           Ė             # Pushes the item at the bottom of the stack to the top (which will be the string selected from the array).
                            ²⁺           # Concat twice appending the loop count then the string "¤%" to the string selected from the array.
                              Ç          # Pops the string off of the stack, clears the screen, then prints the string.
                               ṛ749      # Randomly generate an integer from 0 to 749.
                                   ⁺1    # Increment the random number producing a random number from 1 - 750.
                                     ḍ   # Pop off the stack and delay for that number of milliseconds.

                                      €Ḃ # Ends the loop and prevents anything else being displayed.
                                      €  # Ends the loop (new line could be used as well)
                                       Ḃ # Destroys the current stack therein, nothing gets pushed to the screen at the end of the program.

<div id="noodel" code="Loading¤”ḋḟƇḣ⁺s¤ṡ⁺Ḷ101ạ¤%ɱṠĖ²⁺Çṛ749⁺1ḍ€Ḃ" input="" cols="14" rows="2"></div>

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Why are there so many ¤s?
Kritixi Lithos

@KritixiLithos Noodel uses spaces as a NOP so for printing a space the ¤ is used:)

Btw, it's nice that there is a stack snippet for this :)
Kritixi Lithos

How does the snippet work? Does the imported script find the element with the id of noodle, then translate the code to Javascript?

@Carcigenicate, Yes. The "parser" is the JavaScript function noodel which handles the code properly. It translates the code into tokens that are JavaScript objects that get chained together then executed. The ppcg.min.js creates the proper HTML objects and translates the output of what is parsed into the HTML objects to create the display. Every token is executed by stepping through them triggering a step event which is registered to update the screen:) Does that help?


C 126 121 bytes

f(){i=0;char c[]="/-\\|";for(;i<101;i++){printf("\rloading %c %d %% ",c[i%4],i);fflush(stdout);usleep(1000*(rand()%75));}

Ungolfed version:

 void f()
  int i=0;
  char c[]="/-\\|";
    printf("\rloading %c %d %% ",c[i%4], i);

@Carcigenicate @ Mukul Kumar Did not read between the lines there, Thanks! :)

c[] is not random... But is cycling....
Mukul Kumar

Or, in other words, you're not supposed to pick a random character from "\|/-", you're supposed to display /, then -, then \, then |, in a cycle.

@MukulKumar @ Carcigenicate Updated the code so that it does what the spec says regarding cycling characters!
Abel Tom


MATLAB, 108 bytes

function k;for i=0:100;a='-\|/';pause(rand*.749+.001);clc;['loading ' a(mod(i,3)+1) ' ' num2str(i) ' %']


Octave, 122 120 119 108 bytes

I misread the challenge and created an infinite loader that restarted at 0 once it passed 100. Making it into a one time only loader:

a='\|/-';for i=0:100;clc;disp(['Loading ',a(1),' ',num2str(i),' %']);a=a([2:4,1]);pause(0.749*rand+.001);end

Circulating a, a=a([2:4,1]) was flawr's idea here. Also, saved 2 bytes by skipping the parentheses after rand thanks to MattWH.

Should it be .749*rand()+.001? This can wait for 751ms. Also you can leave the () off rand and save 2 bytes.


ForceLang, 250 bytes

Noncompeting, requires language features which postdate the question

def D def
D w io.write
D l e+"loading"+s
D z string.char 8
D s string.char 32
D d datetime.wait 750.mult random.rand()
D e z.repeat 24
D n set i 1+i
D k s+n+s+"%"
set i -1
label 1
w l+"-"+k
if i=100
w l+"\"+k
w l+"|"+k
w l+"/"+k
goto 1

I should probably fix some bugs related to string literal parsing soon.


Racket 110 bytes

(for((i 101))(printf"Loading ~a ~a % ~n"(list-ref'("-" "\\" "|" "/")(modulo i 4))i)(sleep(/(random 750)1000)))


  (for ((i 101))
    (printf "Loading ~a ~a % ~n" (list-ref '("-" "\\" "|" "/") (modulo i 4)) i)
    (sleep (/(random 750)1000))))



Output: enter image description here

(This gif file is showing slower display than actual)

What's with the stuff at the end in the gif?

This seem to be an artefact from screen capture program.


107 75 Ruby

-32 thanks to manatwork


puts"loading #{'\|/-'[i=-~i%4]} #{c} %"
sleep rand*(0.750-0.01)+0.01


101.times{|c|$><<"\rloading #{'-\|/'[c%4]} #{c} %";sleep rand*0.749+0.001}

Given you have a single line of output to overwrite, the system'clear' is overkill here. Also the use of the separate variable i. Oh, and precalculate where possible: 0.750-0.010.749 (also note that you lack one decimal place in 0.01 – should be 0.001). The resulting 101.times{|c|$><<"\rloading #{'-\|/'[c%4]} #{c} %";sleep rand*0.749+0.001} becomes very similar to Conor O'Brien's Ruby answer in Loading… Forever but so is the challenge.


Python 3, 149 bytes

import time,random;f=0;n=0
while n<=100:
 if f>=3:f=0

Similar to Loading... Forever, but I did have to edit my answer from there a lot.


TI-Basic, 80 bytes

Text(0,0,"loading "+sub("-\|/",1+fPart(I/4),1)+" ",I," %

The randomness comes from the For( loop (E is scientific E token) and since TI-Basic is interpreted there is also automatically some overhead. Remember that in TI-Basic, lowercase letters and some less common ASCII symbols are two bytes each (so specifically for this program, l o a d i n g sub( \ | % are the two-byte tokens


Clojure, 109 bytes

(doseq[[c i](map vector(cycle"\\|/-")(range 101))](print"\rloading"c i\%)(flush)(Thread/sleep(rand-int 751)))

Loops over a list of the range of numbers from 0 to 100, zipped with an infinite list of "\|/-" repeating forever.

; (map vector...) is how you zip in Clojure
;  All arguments after the first to map are lists. The function is expected to
;  take as many arguments as there are lists. vector is var-arg.
(doseq [[c i] (map vector (cycle "\\|/-") (range 101))]
  ; \r to erase the old line
  (println "\rloading" c i \%)
  (Thread/sleep (rand-int 751)))


tcl, 116

set i 0;time {lmap c {- \\ | /} {puts -nonewline stderr "\rloading $c $i%";after [expr int(187*rand())]};incr i} 100

Playable in

Your output seems little off...
Mukul Kumar

hmm,,, my code disappeared! ...

I mean that your output is in this format "loading... xx%" instead it should be like this "loading - xx%" where '-' varies as explained in the question.
Mukul Kumar

@MukulKumar: Fixed.


Java 8, 130 bytes

()->{for(int n=0;n<101;Thread.sleep((long)(1+Math.random()*750)))System.out.print("\rloading "+"-\\|/".charAt(n%4)+" "+n+++" %");}


()->{                           // Method without parameter nor return-type
  for(int n=0;n<101;            //  Loop from 0 to 100
                                //   And sleep randomly 1-750 ms 
    System.out.print(           //   Print:
      "\r                       //    Reset to the start of the line
      loading "                 //    Literal "loading "
      +"-\\|/".charAt(n%4)+" "  //    + the spinner char & a space
      +n++                      //    + the number (and increase it by 1)
      +" %");                   //    + a space & '%'
                                //  End of loop (implicit / single-line body)
}                               // End of method

Output gif:

enter image description here


Visual Basic, 371 Bytes

module m
sub main()
Dim s as Object
for i as Integer=0 to 100
Select Case new System.Random().next(0,9)
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
Case 3
Case 4
Case 5
Case 6
Case 7
Case 8
End Select
console.write("loading "+"-\|/"(i mod 4)+" "+i.tostring+" %")
end sub
end module


module m
    sub main()
        Dim s as Object
        for i as Integer=0 to 100
            Select Case new System.Random().next(0,9)
                Case 0
                Case 1
                Case 2
                Case 3
                Case 4
                Case 5
                Case 6
                Case 7
                Case 8
            End Select
            console.write("loading " + "-\|/"(i mod 4) + " " + i.tostring + " %")
    end sub
end module
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