Tanımlayıcıları benzersizleştirme



Tanım olarak, benzersiz tanımlayıcılar benzersiz olmalıdır. Aynı olan birden çok tanımlayıcıya sahip olmak, beklenmeyen verileri almaya neden olur. Ancak aynı anda birden fazla kaynaktan gelen verilerle, benzersizliği sağlamak zor olabilir. Bir işlev yazın, tanımlayıcıların listesini birleştirir.

Bu muhtemelen yazdığım en kötü bilmecedir, ama sen anladın.


Sıfır veya daha fazla pozitif tamsayıların bir listesi göz önüne alındığında, her numaraya ilkinden sonuna kadar aşağıdaki kuralları uygulayın:

  • Numara türünün ilki ise, saklayın.
  • Rakam daha önce karşılaşılmışsa, giriş listesinde veya mevcut herhangi bir çıkışta hiçbir yerde bulunmayan en düşük pozitif tamsayı ile değiştirin.

Çözüm için:

  • Çözüm bir program veya işlev olabilir.
  • Giriş, bir dize, bir argüman olarak iletilen bir dizi veya klavye girişi olabilir.
  • Çıktı bir dize, bir dizi olabilir veya ekrana yazdırılabilir.
  • Çıktı listesindeki tüm sayılar belirgindir.


  • Giriş listesi temiz. Sadece pozitif tamsayılar içeriyor.
  • Pozitif bir tamsayı 1 ila 2 31 -1 aralığındadır .
  • Programınızın değişkenleri için 256 MB'den daha az bellek kullanılabilir. (Temel olarak, 2.147.483.648-element dizisine izin verilmez.)

Test Kılıfları

Input:  empty
Output: empty

Input:  5
Output: 5

Input:  1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6
Output: 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6

Input:  3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Output: 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

Input:  6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2
Output: 6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5

Input:  2147483647, 2, 2147483647, 2
Output: 2147483647, 2, 1, 3


Sadece basit bir kod golf. Gelecek hafta bu zamana kadar en düşük bayt sayısı kazanır.

Test olayı ekle: 6, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 56, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

@ Adám 6, 6, ...vermemelisiniz 6, 1, ...?

@Adám I think you're right about that, but the wording could be clearer, Does "set" refer to the elements encountered, all elements of the input list, or elements in the list as it now stands?

@xnor The 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2 test case confirms Adám's interpretation: the expected output is 6, 1, 4, 3, 2, 5, and not 6, 1, 4, 2, 3, 5.

Does 0 count as a positive integer for this challenge?



Brachylog, 8 bytes


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{    }ᵐ     Map on the Input:
              Input = Output…
 |            …or…
  ∧ℕ₁         …Output is in [1,+inf)
       ≠    All elements of the output must be different
            (Implicit labeling)


Java 8, 158 144 bytes

a->{int m=0;String r="",c=",",b=r;for(int x:a)b+=x+c;for(int x:a)if(r.contains(x+c)){for(;(r+b).contains(++m+c););r+=m+c;}else r+=x+c;return r;}
  • .contains(m+c);m++) to .contains(++m+c);) to save 1 byte, and simultaneously converted to Java 8 to save 13 more bytes.


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a->{                      // Method with integer-array parameter and String return-type
  int m=0;                //  Lowest integer
  String r="",            //  Result-String
         c=",",           //  Comma delimiter for result String
         b=r;for(int x:a)b+=x+c;
                          //  Input array as String
  for(int x:a)            //  Loop (2) over the integers in the array
    if(r.contains(x+c)){  //   If the result already contains this integer
                          //    Inner (3) as long as either the result-String or array-String contains the lowest integer
                          //     and raise the lowest integer before every iteration by 1
      r+=m+c;             //    Append the result with this lowest not-present integer
    }else                 //   Else:
      r+=x+c;             //    Append the result-String with the current integer
                          //  End of loop (2) (implicit / single-line body)
  return r;               //  Return the result-String
}                         // End of method


JavaScript (ES6), 49 bytes



Ruby, 63 bytes


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->a{                                    # Anonymous function with one argument
    r=*0..a.size;                       # Numbers from 0 to array size
    r.map{|i|                           # For all numbers in range:
        [a[i]]                          #  Get array with just a[i]
              -a[0,i]                   #  Remove elements from array that are
                                        #    also in a[0..i-1]
                    ==[]?               #  Check if result is an empty array
                        a[i]=           #  If true, set a[i] to:
                             (r-a)      #   Remove elements from number range
                                        #     that are also in input array
                                  [1]   #   Get second element (first non-zero)
                        :0};            #  If false, no-op
                            a}          # Return modified array


05AB1E, 17 16 18 bytes


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v                    # for each y in input
 y                   # push y
  ¯yåi               # if y exist in global list
      ¹gL            # push [1 ... len(input)]
         ¯K          # remove any number that is already in global list
           ¹K        # remove any number that is in the input
             ¬       # get the first (smallest)
              }      # end if
               ˆ     # add to global list
                }¯   # end loop, push and output global list

I should probably use reduce instead of map... let me see if that helps
Leaky Nun

@LeakyNun: Reduce or map are often the way to go :)

Gives [6, '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '7']. Should give [6, '7', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5'].

@Adám: Thanks for the catch! Fixed now :)


PHP, 121 Bytes

<?$n=array_diff(range(0,count($g=$_GET)),$g);sort($n);$r=[];foreach($g as$v)$r[]=in_array($v,$r)?$n[++$i]:$v;print_r($r);

Online Version


$n=array_diff(range(0,count($g=$_GET)),$g); # create array of ascending values which are not in input array plus zero
sort($n); # minimize keys
$r=[];  # empty result array
foreach($g as$v) # loop input array
  $r[]=in_array($v,$r)?$n[++$i]:$v; # if value is not in result array add value else take new unique value skip zero through ++$i
print_r($r); # output result array


Python 2, 77 79 bytes

for x in a:
 u+=[[x,j][x in u]]
 while j in u+a:j+=1
print u

Takes keyboard input, like [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3].

Just keep track of the smallest positive integer j not used so far. For each element x of the input, output x if x hasn't already been used, otherwise output j. Finally, update j each time you output something.

EDITED: to fix a mistake handling input of [6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2]. Thanks to @Rod for pointing out the mistake as well as a fix. The mistake was that, in the event of a duplicate entry, it would output the smallest number unused to that point in the list, even if that output appeared later in the input. (This was wrong, as clarified in the post and the comments, but I still messed it up somehow.) Anyway, the fix was to simply add the input list, a, to the set of values that could not be output in that case.

doesn't work for [6,6,4,4,2,2], you can (probably) fix it by adding +a to the while j in u: -> while j in u+a:

@Rod You're right, my mistake. (Somehow I still messed this up despite the comments about this--thanks for bringing it to my attention--and I also didn't test my solution well enough against the test cases. Embarrassing.) OK, I have incorporated your very nice fix, and verified it against the test cases. Thanks!


Haskell, 79 76 bytes


  • -3 bytes: @nimi saw that head could be replaced by a pattern match.

([]#) is an anonymous function taking and returning a list. Use like ([]#)[2147483647, 2, 2147483647, 2].


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How it works

  • ? is an abbreviated operator for checking if an element is absent from a list.
  • s#l handles the list of integers l, given a list s of integers already used.
    • x is the next integer to look at, y the remaining ones.
    • z is the integer chosen for the next spot. It's x if x is not an element of s, and the first positive integer neither in s nor in y otherwise.
    • (z:s)#y then recurses with z added to the used integer list.
    • n is an empty list, since nonempty lists have been handled in the previous line.
  • The main function ([]#) takes a list, and calls # with it as second argument, and an empty list for the first argument.



APL (Dyalog 16.0), 34 bytes


There must be a better way.


C#, 135 bytes


(int[] i)=>{for(int x=1,v,m=0,l=i.Length,y;x<l;x++){v=i[x];for(y=0;y<l&&v==i[x]?y<x:y<l;y++)if(i[y]==v){v=++m;y=-1;}i[x]=v;}return i;};


( int[] i ) => {
   for( int x = 1, v, m = 0, l = i.Length, y; x < l; x++ ) {
      v = i[ x ];

      for( y = 0; y < l && v == i[ x ] ? y < x : y < l ; y++ )
         if( i[ y ] == v ) {
            v = ++m;
            y = -1;

      i[ x ] = v;

   return i;

Ungolfed readable

// Takes an array of Int32 objects ( 32-byte signed integers )
( int[] i ) => {

   // Cycles through each element on the array
   //   x: Scan position, starts at the 2nd element
   //   v: Value being processed
   //   m: The next minimum value to replace
   //   l: Size of the array, to save some byte count
   for( int x = 1, v, m = 0, l = i.Length, y; x < l; x++ ) {

      // Hold the value
      v = i[ x ];

      // Re-scan the array for a duplicate value up the the current position ( 'x' ) IF
      //   ... the currently hold value hasn't been modified
      //   ... otherwise, re-scans the entire array to find a suitable value to replace
      for( y = 0; y < l && v == i[ x ] ? y < x : y < l ; y++ )

         // Check if 'v' shares the same value with other element
         if( i[ y ] == v ) {

            // Set 'v' to the minimum value possible
            v = ++m;

            // Reset the scan position to validate the new value
            y = -1;

      // Set the 'v' to the array
      i[ x ] = v;

   // Return the array
   return i;

Full code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Namespace {
   class Program {
      static void Main( String[] args ) {
         Func<Int32[], Int32[]> f = ( int[] i ) => {
            for( int x = 1, v, m = 0, l = i.Length, y; x < l; x++ ) {
               v = i[ x ];

               for( y = 0; y < l && v == i[ x ] ? y < x : y < l ; y++ )
                  if( i[ y ] == v ) {
                     v = ++m;
                     y = -1;

               i[ x ] = v;

            return i;

            testCases = new List<Int32[]>() {
               new Int32[] { },
               new Int32[] { 5 },
               new Int32[] { 1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6 },
               new Int32[] { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3 },
               new Int32[] { 6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2 },
               new Int32[] { 2147483647, 2, 2147483647, 2 },

         foreach( Int32[] testCase in testCases ) {
            Console.WriteLine( $" Input: {String.Join( ",", testCase )}\nOutput: {string.Join( ",", f( testCase ) )}\n" );



  • v1.0 - 135 bytes - Initial solution.


  • None


R, 39 46 bytes

Creates a vector from the input, then replaces the duplicated values with a range from 1 to a million that has the input values removed. Returns a numeric vector. No input will return the empty vector numeric(0).


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This will throw a warning about the length of the replacement vector

                           i=scan()     # set i as input
                 (1:1e6)                # 1 to a million (could go higher)
                 (1:1e6)[-(i=scan())]   # without input values
  duplicated(i)                         # duplicate values in i
i[duplicated(i)]=(1:1e6)[-(i=scan())]   # set duplicate i values to reduced range vector
                                     ;i # return result


C, 169 bytes 133 bytes

input = array a, output = modified array a

i=1,j,k,l;void f(int*a,int n){for(;i<n;i++)for(j=i-1;j>=0;j--)if(a[i]==a[j]){l=1;for(k=0;k<n;)if(l==a[k])k=l++?0:0;else k++;a[i]=l;}}


int i, j, k, l;
void f(int* a, int n)
    for (i = 1; i<n; i++)
        for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--)
            if (a[i] == a[j])
                l = 1;
                for (k = 0; k<n;)
                    if (l == a[k])
                        k = l++ ? 0 : 0;
                a[i] = l;

Too many bytes wasted for these loop. Does anybody think of shorten the code by inventing a new algorithm (which use less loop)? I was thinking but havent found one.


C# 7, 116 bytes

int[]f(int[]c){int j=0;int h()=>c.Contains(++j)?h():j;return c.Select((e,i)=>Array.IndexOf(c,e)<i?h():e).ToArray();}


int[] f(int[] c)
    int j = 0;
    int h() => c.Contains(++j) ? h() : j;
    return c
        .Select((e, i) => Array.IndexOf(c, e) < i ? h() : e)


  • first occurrence of a number is always left as-is
  • consecutive occurrences of a number are drawn from [1, 2, 3, ...], skipping values present in the input.

Online Version


Clojure, 72 bytes

#(reduce(fn[r i](conj r(if((set r)i)(nth(remove(set r)(range))1)i)))[]%)

A basic reduction. If i is contained in the output list so far, we'll take the 2nd element (1 when 0-indexed) from the infinite list of integers (range) from which we have removed those numbers that have already been used. Range starts from zero so we cannot take the first element but the second.


R, 74 bytes

reads the list from stdin; returns NULL for an empty input.

o=c();for(i in n<-scan())o=c(o,`if`(i%in%o,setdiff(1:length(n),o)[1],i));o


o=c()                                #initialize empty list of outputs
for(i in n<-scan())                  # loop through the list after reading it from stdin
    o=c(o,                           # set the output to be the concatenation of o and
      `if`(i%in%o,                   # if we've seen the element before
           setdiff(1:length(n),o)[1] # the first element not in 1,2,...
           ,i))                      # otherwise the element
o                                    # print the output

1:length(n) may be used since we are guaranteed to never need a replacement from outside that range.

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Axiom, 169 bytes

f a==(r:List INT:=[];for i in 1..#a repeat(~member?(a.i,r)=>(r:=concat(r,a.i));for j in 1..repeat if~member?(j,r)and(~member?(j,a)or j=a.i)then(r:=concat(r,j);break));r)

ungolf and result

  r:List INT:=[]
  for i in 1..#a repeat
      for j in 1.. repeat
            if~member?(j,r)and(~member?(j,a) or j=a.i)then(r:=concat(r,j);break)

(3) -> f([])
   (3)  []
                                                       Type: List Integer
(4) -> f([5])
   (4)  [5]
                                                       Type: List Integer
(5) -> f([1,4,2,5,3,6])
   (5)  [1,4,2,5,3,6]
                                                       Type: List Integer
(6) -> f([3,3,3,3,3,3])
   (6)  [3,1,2,4,5,6]
                                                       Type: List Integer
(7) -> f([6, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2])
   (7)  [6,1,4,3,2,5]
                                                       Type: List Integer
(8) -> f([2147483647, 2, 2147483647, 2])
   (8)  [2147483647,2,1,3]
                                                       Type: List Integer
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