Yarı Zikzak Yap


NGirdi olarak pozitif bir tamsayı verilecektir . Göreviniz N, her biri uzunlukları olan bir Yarı Zikzak yapmaktır N. Görevi net bir şekilde tanımlamak nispeten zor olduğu için, işte bazı örnekler:

  • N = 1:

  • N = 2:

  • N = 3:

  • N = 4:

  • N = 5:

  • N = 6:

  • N = 7:

  • Daha büyük bir test durumu N = 9

Gördüğünüz gibi, bir Yarı Zikzak dönüşümlü çapraz ve yatay çizgilerden oluşur ve daima soldan aşağıya doğru sağ çapraz çizgi ile başlar. Yatay çizgilerdeki karakterlerin boşlukla ayrıldığını unutmayın.


  • Herhangi boşluk olmayan seçebilir karakteri yerine Obile tutarsız olabilir.

  • Sonucu bir String olarak veya her biri bir satırı temsil eden bir String listesi olarak çıkarabilir / geri döndürebilirsiniz .

  • Sonunda ya da baştaki bir yeni hattınız olabilir.

  • Varsayılan Loopholes uygulanır.

  • Herhangi bir standart ortama göre girdi alabilir ve çıktı alabilirsiniz .

  • Mümkünse, lütfen gönderinize bir test linki ekleyin. Golf çabalarını gösteren ve bir açıklaması olan herhangi bir cevabı yükselteceğim.

  • Bu , yani her dilde byte cinsinden en kısa kod kazanır!

O'nun arasına yatay olan boşluklar koymak zorunda mıyız?

@HatsuPointerKun Yatay çizgilerdeki karakterlerin boşlukla ayrıldığına dikkat edin. - Evet, boşluk bırakmak zorundasın.
Bay Xcoder,

Ah evet. Okumayı öğrenmeliyim. Teşekkürler

@JohnHamilton Cevaplar , girdi olarak verilen herhangi bir sayı için teorik olarak çalışmalıdır. Bir ekranın ne tutabileceği konusunda endişelenmemeliler.
Bay Xcoder



Charcoal, 24 bytes

FN«↶§7117ι×⁺#× ﹪ι²⁻Iθ¹»#

Try it online!

-5 thanks to Neil.


├F: For
│├N: Input number
│ ├↶: Pivot Left
│ │└§: At index
│ │ ├'7117': String '7117'
│ │ └ι: Identifier ι
│ └Print
│  └×: Product
│   ├⁺: Sum
│   │├'#': String '#'
│   │└×: Product
│   │ ├' ': String ' '
│   │ └﹪: Modulo
│   │  ├ι: Identifier ι
│   │  └2: Number 2
│   └⁻: Difference
│    ├I: Cast
│    │└θ: Identifier θ
│    └1: Number 1
 └'#': String '#'

It was too easy for Charcoal :)
Mr. Xcoder

@Mr.Xcoder This feels really ungolfed actually...not sure how to golf it.
Erik the Outgolfer

The OP said that the character can be any and does not need to be consistent, so I was going for something along the lines of FN§⟦↘→↗→⟧ι⁻Iθ¹→ (15 bytes only), but lists of directions do not seem to work right in Charcoal. A pity.

@CarlosAlejo Tried that too but unfortunately it doesn't work.
Erik the Outgolfer

@CarlosAlejo FN✳§⟦↘→↗→⟧ι⁻θ¹O will work after Dennis pulls, being cast to direction


Python 2, 157 153 bytes

o,s=q='O '
def p(k,t=q*n+s*(4*n-6)):print(t*n)[k*~-n:][:n*3/2*~-n+1]
for i in range(n-2):p(0,i*s+s+o+s*(4*n-7-2*i)+o+s*(2*n+i-2))

Try it online!

  • n*3/2*~-n+1 is the width of each line: ⌊3n/2⌋ · (n−1) + 1 characters.
  • The string q*n+s*(4*n-6) represents the top and bottom rows. If we repeat it and slice [2*(n-1):] we get the top row; if we slice [5*(n-1):] we get the bottom row. Hence the definition of p and the calls to p(2) and p(5). But since we need the repetition and line-length slicing for all other lines anyway, we reuse p in the loop.
  • The i*s+s+o+… is just a boring expression for the middle rows.
  • n>1>p(5) will short-circuit if n≯1, causing p(5) to not get evaluated. Hence, it’s shorthand for if n>1:p(5).

Wow, awesome solution, so clever. You earned my upvote
Mr. Xcoder

Wow, never knew Python had short circuiting on comparisons like that, +1.


Mathematica, 126 125 121 112 104 89 86 bytes

(m=" "&~Array~{#,#^2-#+1};Do[m[[1[i,#,-i][[j~Mod~4]],j#-#+i+1-j]]="X",{j,#},{i,#}];m)&
  • # is the input number for an anonymous function (ended by the final &).
  • m=" "&~Array~{#,#^2-#+1}; makes a matrix of space characters of the right size by filling an array of given dimensions #,#^2-#+1 with the outputs of the constant anonymous function "output a space" " "&.
  • Do[foo,{j,#},{i,#}] is a pair of nested do loops, where j ranges from 1 to # and inside of that i ranges from 1 to #.
  • m[[1[i,#,-i][[j~Mod~4]],j#-#+i+1-j]]="X" sets the the corresponding part of the matrix to be the character X based on j and i. The -i uses negative indexing to save bytes from #-i+1. (I forgot to write Mod[j,4] as j~Mod~4 in the original version of this code.) Jenny_mathy pointed out that we can use the modular residue to index into the list directly (rather than using Switch) to save 9 bytes, and JungHwan Min pointed out that we didn't need to use ReplacePart since we can set a part of an array and that 1[i,#,-i][[j~Mod~4]] uses the odd behavior and generality of [[foo]] to save bytes over {1,i,#,-i}[[j~Mod~4+1]]
  • Since meta established that a list of characters is a string (as JungHwan Min pointed out) we don't need to map any function across the rows of the matrix of characters since it's already a list of "string"s.

You can test this out in the Wolfram Cloud sandbox by pasting code like the following and hitting Shift+Enter or the numpad Enter:

(m=" "&~Array~{#,#^2-#+1};Do[m[[1[i,#,-i][[j~Mod~4]],j#-#+i+1-j]]="X",{j,#},{i,#}];m)&@9//MatrixForm

Very nice! you can replace StringJoin with ""<>#& to save 4 bytes

@Jenny_mathy Thanks for the tip! That seems pretty useful.
Mark S.

You can also replace Switch[...] with {1,i,#,-i}[[j~Mod~4+1]] and save 9 bytes!

You don't actually need ReplacePart here. m=ReplacePart[...] can be m[[{1,i,#,-i}[[j~Mod~4+1]],j#-#+i+1-j]]="X" -- You can Set a Part of a list. That gets rid of 15 bytes.
JungHwan Min

{1,i,#,-i}[[j~Mod~4+1]] can also be 1[i,#,-i][[j~Mod~4]]. This trick works because [[0]] returns the Head of an expression.
JungHwan Min


C++, 321 234 bytes

-87 bytes thanks to Zacharý

auto z(int n){std::vector<std::string>l;l.resize(n,std::string(n*n+n/2*(n-1),32));l[0][0]=79;int i=0,j,o=0;for(;i<n;++i)for(j=1;j<n;++j)l[i%4?i%4-1?i%4-2?0:n-j-1:n-1:j][i*n+j-i+(o+=i%2)]=79;return l;}

Returns a vector of strings

I got it down to 318 bytes: repl.it/JpJ2

Correction, I got it down to 239 bytes: repl.it/JpJ2/1

Sorry for the spam, 234 bytes: repl.it/JpJ2/3

What can I say except you're welcome!

@Zacharý thanks you very much sir


Mathematica, 179 bytes

Rotate[(c=Column)@(t=Table)[{c@(a=Array)[" "~t~#<>(v="o")&,z,0],c@t[t[" ",z-1]<>v,z-1],c@a[t[" ",z-2-#]<>v&,z-1,0],c@t[v,z-Boole[!#~Mod~4<1]-1]}[[i~Mod~4+1]],{i,0,(z=#)-1}],Pi/2]&

edit for @JungHwanMin

I didn't expect it to be that short, well done!
Mr. Xcoder

Just a question: Can Mod[z,4]==0 be replaced with Mod[z,4]<1?
Mr. Xcoder

yes, I can golf some things down...

I don't really know Mathematica, but can you replace Mod[#,4] with #~Mod~4 for -1 bytes?
Mr. Xcoder

Oops... accidentally downvoted. Could you edit the answer so I can flip that upside down?
JungHwan Min


05AB1E, 21 20 19 bytes


Uses the new canvas mode:


Uses the 05AB1E encoding. Try it online!


F                      # For N in range(0, input)
 x<)                   #   Push the array [input, 2 × input - 1]
    Nè                 #   Retrieve the Nth element
      'ONÉúR           #   Push "O" if N is odd, else "O "
            3212Nè     #   Retrieve the Nth element of 3212
                  Λ    #   Write to canvas

For input 6, this gives the following arguments (in the same order) for the canvas:

[<num>, <fill>, <patt>]
[6,     'O',     3]
[11,    'O ',    2]
[6,     'O',     1]
[11,    'O ',    2]
[6,     'O',     3]
[11,    'O ',    2]

To explain what the canvas does, we pick the first set of arguments from the list above.

The number 6 determines the length of the string that will be written into the canvas. The filler is used to write on the canvas, which in this case is O. It cyclically runs through the filler string. The direction of the string is determined by the final argument, the direction. The directions are:

7  0  1
 \ | /
6- X -2
 / | \
5  4  3

This means that the 3 sets the direction to south-east, which can also be tried online.

also note that canvas mode is in development and very unstable

:O 05AB1E is mutating into Charcoal (also this is beating Charcoal O_o)

@ASCII-only Yeah, I saw the rise of all the ASCII-based languages (Charcoal, SOGL, V, etc.) and saw 05AB1E sink into the background, so I had to do something about it :p

so you copied charcoal? :P 05ab1e even has a canvas and directional printing (although charcoal only supports this style of printing with length via python)


SOGL V0.12, 36 bytes


Try it Here!

The basic idea is to for each number of the input range choose either adding a diagonal or the horizontal dotted part, in which case it will turn the array around for easier adding on. Explanation:

╝                                     get a diagonal from the bottom-left corner with the length of the input - the starting canvas
 .H∫                        }         for each number in the range [1,inp-1] do, pushing counter
    2\?  }                              if it divides by 2, then
       .╝                                 create another diagonal of the input
          F2%                           push counter % 2
             ?     }                    if that [is not 0]
              №                           reverse the current canvas upside down
               @.┌Ο                       get an alternation of spaces and dashes with the dash amount of the input length
                    ;                   get the canvas on top of the stack
                     1w⁄                get its 1st element length
                        H               decrease it
                         h              swap the bottom 2 items - the canvas is now at the bottom and the current addition ontop
                          1             push 1
                           ž            at 1-indexed coordinates [canvasWidth-1, 1] in the canvas insert the current part made by the Ifs
                             .4%1>?   if input%4 > 1
                                   №    reverse the array vertically

If the input of 1 wasn't allowed, then ο.∫2%?.╝}F2\?№@.┌Ο};1w⁄Hh1ž}.4%1>?№ would work too. If random numbers floating around were allowed .∫2%?.╝}F2\?№@.┌Ο};1w⁄Hh1ž}.4%1>?№ would work too. If I were not lazy and implemented , }F2%? could be replaced with for -4 bytes


Mathematica, 106 87 bytes

SparseArray[j=i=1;k=#-1;Array[{j+=Im@i;k∣#&&(i*=I);j,#+1}->"o"&,l=k#+1,0],{#,l}," "]&

Returns a SparseArray object of Strings. To visualize the output, you can append Grid@. Throws an error for case 1, but it's safe to ignore.



Set i and j to 1.


Set k to input - 1.


Set l to k*input + 1

Array[ ..., l= ...,0]

Iterate l times, starting from 0, incrementing by 1 each time...


Add the imaginary component of i to j...


If the current iteration is divisible by k, multiply i by the imaginary unit...

{... j,#+1}->"o"

Create a Rule object that changes element at position {j, current iteration + 1} to "o"

SparseArray[ ...,{#,l}," "]

Create a SparseArray object using the generated Rule objects, with dimension {input, l}, using " " as blank.

Try it on Wolfram Sandbox!

there is something wrong with case n=3

n=2, 4,5,6 also have correctness problems, but I think this works for 7 and above. I'm curious: is there precedent as to whether a SparseArray counts as an array? It can be visualized using Grid or MatrixForm, but I wouldn't normally count it as "a list of strings" here. If a 2D array of characters suffices, that cuts 8 bytes off of my solution (12 before Jenny_mathy's help), for instance.
Mark S.

@MarkS. Also, an array of string is okay per meta consensus. If something is unclear, please ask the OP (as he/she makes the rules, not us). A simple search of "SparseArray" in this site gives an abundance of SparseArray responses, so I presume it's fine.
JungHwan Min

@MarkS. Also, this page has a lot of tricks on golfing Mathematica.
JungHwan Min

@JungHwanMin I edited my answer as you asked


Python 3, 228 226 224 215 197 195 bytes

-11 bytes Thanks to @Mr. Xcoder

-2 bytes Thanks to @Mr. Xcoder

def f(n,s=range):
 for i in s(n*n-n+2):c+=i%(n-(2<=n))<1;z+=[[x,y]];t=max(t,x);x+=2-c%2;y+=[-1,1][c%4<3]*(c%2)
 return'\n'.join(''.join(' O'[[k,j]in z]for k in s(t))for j in s(n))

Try it online!

Explanation and less-golfed code:

def f(n):
 x=y=t=c=0;z=[]                       #initialize everything
 for i in range(n*n-n+2):             #loop n*n-n+2 times which is the numberr of 'o's expected
    c+=i%[~-n,n]<n-1                  #if one cycle has been completed, increase c by 1, if n>1.                                            
    z+=[[x,y]]                        #add [x,y] to z(record the positions of 'o')
    t=max(t,x)                        #trap maximum value of x-coordinate(to be used later while calculatng whole string)
    r=[[2,0],[1,1],[2,0],[1,-1]][c%4] #r gives direction for x and y to move, adjust it as per c i.e. cycles
    x+=r[0];y+=r[1]                   #yield newer values of x and y 
 return '\n'.join(''.join(' o'[[k,j]in z]for k in range(t))for j in range(n)) #place space or 'o' accordingly as per the recorded posititons in z

Very nice work. Congratulations!
Mr. Xcoder

@Mr.Xcoder Thank you. I must say this one was tough, especially had problems identifying the correct range.

215 bytes, if 2>n:return'o' is quite redundant. I made a work-around with c+=i%[~-n,n][2>n]<1 instead of c+=i%~-n<1.
Mr. Xcoder

Sorry for the very late improvement, 195 bytes
Mr. Xcoder


Haskell, 197 bytes

a n c=take(2*n)$cycle$c:" "
r i n x y=take(div(3*n)2*(n-1)+1)$(' '<$[1..i])++(cycle$"O "++(a(2*n-i-3)y)++"O "++(a(n+i-2)x))
z n=take n$(r 0 n 'O' ' '):[r i n ' ' ' '|i<-[1..n-2]]++[r(n-1)n ' ' 'O']

Try it online!

Thanks to @Lynn : fixed the spaces between Os on horizontal segments of the zigzag, but it costed a lot of bytes!

Some explanations:

  • r is a row of the output: it has the 0 y y y y y 0 x x x 0 y ... format, the number of xand y depending on the row and the initial n
  • for the top row, x='0'and y=' '
  • for the middle rows, x=' 'and y=' '
  • for the bottom row, x=' 'and y='0'
  • take(div(3*n)2*(n-1)+1) cuts an infinite row at the right place
  • every output has one top row and one bottom row except when n=1: take n handles this case.

Nicely golfed! You can drop a couple of those spaces, I think. And replicate n x can be replaced by x<$[1..n]. Also, your answer lacks the spaces between Os on horizontal segments of the zigzag.

@Lynn thanks! with the spaces on horizontal segments, my method becomes cumbersome, but i wanted to fix the code anyway...

You can save quite a bit by using operators and removing unneeded spaces, see here.


Python 2, 155 151 146 137 bytes

for L in zip(*[' '*i+'O'+n*' 'for i in(r+[n,m]*~-n+r[-2::-1]+([m,0]*n)[:-1])*m][:1+3*m/2*n]):print''.join(L)

Try it online!

@Mr.Xcoder Ahh. I see now.

@Mr.Xcoder Fixed now.

I am one year late to the golfing party, but `L`[2::5] saves a byte over ''.join(L)
Mr. Xcoder
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