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5 seviyeli Sierpinski Üçgen Fraktalını dizecek TeX (LaTeX) matematik denklem kodunu (aşağıda verilmiştir) veren kodu yazın. En kısa kod kazanır .
TeX (ve LaTeX gibi arkadaşlar) sofistike bir dizgi sistemidir. Matematiksel formüller için rasgele iç içe geçmiş karmaşık ifadeler yapabilir. Tesadüfen bu "iç içe geçmiş kompleks" aynı zamanda fraktalların tanımlayıcısıdır. Aşağıdaki MathJaX ile işlenir
by the following plain-text math-equation code consisting of nested super- and sub-scripts:
Note this is just a 5-level nesting. You do not need to generate $...$
or $$...$$
or other markup required to start/end a math equation in TeX & Co. You can preview generated TeX in many online editors, for instance: but you can find many others too. This question was inspired by a discussion with friends.
There is a similar question but it much more general and will produce different solutions. I wanted to see really kolmogorov-complexity for a very fixed simple code that in one system (TeX) is completely explicit while in another compressed. This also address the n
instead of 5 levels comment.