Tüm gizli cümleleri anladım, ama onları buraya göndermeyeceğim. İsterseniz kodu çalıştırın.
Kod, bir boşluk karakteri seçerek, her sözcük için tüm olası ikameleri numaralandırarak ve ardından uyumlu ikameleri arayarak çalışır. Ayrıca, bazı sözlük dışı kelimelerin açık metindeki yazım hatalarıyla başa çıkmasına izin verir :)
Http://wordlist.sourceforge.net/ adresinden büyük bir sözlük (~ 500K kelime) kullandım .
import sys,re
# get input
message = sys.argv[1]
# read in lexicon of words
# download scowl version 7.1
# mk-list english 95 > wordlist
lexicon = set()
roman_only = re.compile('^[A-Z]*$')
for word in open('wordlist').read().upper().split():
if roman_only.match(word): lexicon.add(word)
for c in message: histogram[c]=0
for c in message: histogram[c]+=1
frequency_order = map(lambda x:x[1], sorted([(f,c) for c,f in histogram.items()])[::-1])
# returns true if the two maps are compatible.
# they are compatible if the mappings agree wherever they are defined,
# and no two different args map to the same value.
def mergeable_maps(map1, map2):
agreements = 0
for c in map1:
if c in map2:
if map1[c] != map2[c]: return False
agreements += 1
return len(set(map1.values() + map2.values())) == len(map1) + len(map2) - agreements
def merge_maps(map1, map2):
m = {}
for (c,d) in map1.items(): m[c]=d
for (c,d) in map2.items(): m[c]=d
return m
def search(map, word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance, words_outside_lexicon):
cleartext = ''.join(map[x] if x in map else '?' for x in message)
#print 'trying', cleartext
# pick a word to try next
best_word = None
best_score = 1e9
for (word,subs) in word_maps.items():
if word in words_outside_lexicon: continue
for sub in subs:
if mergeable_maps(map, sub): compatible_subs += 1
unassigned_chars = 0
for c in word:
if c not in map: unassigned_chars += 1 #TODO: duplicates?
if compatible_subs == 0: score = 0
elif unassigned_chars == 0: score = 1e9
else: score = 1.0 * compatible_subs / unassigned_chars # TODO: tweak?
if score < best_score:
best_score = score
best_word = word
if not best_word: # no words with unset characters, except possibly the outside lexicon ones
print cleartext,[''.join(map[x] if x in map else '?' for x in word) for word in words_outside_lexicon]
return True
# use all compatible maps for the chosen word
r = False
for sub in word_maps[best_word]:
if not mergeable_maps(map, sub): continue
r |= search(merge_maps(map, sub), word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance, words_outside_lexicon)
# maybe this word is outside our lexicon
if outside_lexicon_allowance > 0:
r |= search(map, word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance - 1, words_outside_lexicon + [best_word])
return r
for outside_lexicon_allowance in xrange(3):
# assign the space character first
for space in frequency_order:
words = [w for w in message.split(space) if w != '']
if reduce(lambda x,y:x|y, [len(w)>20 for w in words]): continue # obviously bad spaces
# find all valid substitution maps for each word
for word in words:
n = len(word)
maps = []
for c in lexicon:
if len(c) != n: continue
m = {}
ok = 1
for i in xrange(n):
if word[i] in m: # repeat letter
if m[word[i]] != c[i]: ok=0; break # repeat letters map to same thing
elif c[i] in m.values(): ok=0; break # different letters map to different things
else: m[word[i]]=c[i]
if ok: maps.append(m);
# look for a solution
if search({space:' '}, word_maps, outside_lexicon_allowance, []): sys.exit(0)
print 'I give up.'