Bu bir başbakan… neredeyse


Eğer matematik sınıfındaki primler hakkında bir şey öğrendiyseniz, muhtemelen bir noktada bir sayının asal olup olmadığını belirlemek zorundasınız. Muhtemelen hala öğrenirken, örneğin bir asal sayı için 39 numara yazarken berbat olmuşsunuzdur. Endişelenmeyin, 39 bir semiprime olduğu için, yani iki asalın ürünü olduğu için.

Aynı şekilde, bir tanımlayabiliriz k ürünü olarak asal-neredeyse k asal sayılar. Örneğin, 40 4. 4-neredeyse en yüksek değerdir; 40 = 5 * 2 * 2 * 2, 4 faktörün ürünüdür.

Göreviniz iki tamsayı kabul eden bir program / işlevi yazmaktır n ve k giriş ve çıkış olarak / return n inci k -neredeyse asal sayı. Bu bir kod golf, yani bayt cinsinden en kısa program kazanır.

Test durumları

n, k => output
n, 1 => the nth prime number
1, 1 => 2
3, 1 => 5
1, 2 => 4
3, 2 => 9
5, 3 => 27


Böyle bir kapalı form varsa, astarları kendiniz basit bir kapalı formdan başka bir yolla oluşturmanız gerekir.

İlk örnekte matematiğinizi kontrol edin: 40, 5 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2'ye eşit değildir.

@GamrCorps Ah, evet, teşekkür ederim.
Conor O'Brien,

Neredeyse nth k-neredeyse üssü nasıl tanımlarsınız ? K-Neredeyse primeların hangi sırayla geldiğini belirler?

I don't think your expression for f in terms of f[n,1] is correct, since the lists of almost-primes contain odd numbers (e.g. the last two examples, which are not expressible as the product of a power of two and a prime). (And it also says that f[n,1] == 2*f[n,1].)

Why is a simple closed form banned?



Pyth, 9 bytes



          - autoassign Q = eval(input())
     PZ   -      prime_factors(Z) 
    l     -     len(^)
   q   Q  -    ^ == Q
 .f     E -  first eval(input()) of (^ for Z in range(inf))
e         - ^[-1]

Try it here!

Or try a test suite!


Brachylog, 9 bytes

Beating @sundar by using half as much bytes



                    --  Input like [n,k]
{    }ᶠ⁽            --      Find the first n values which
   ~ḋ               --          have a prime decomposition
 ~l                 --          of length k
        t           --      and take the last one

Try it online!


Pyke (commit 29), 8 bytes (noncompetitive)



         - autoassign Q = eval_or_not(input())
.f    )  - First eval_or_not(input) of (^ for i in range(inf))
  P      -    prime_factors(i)
   l     -   len(^)
     q   -  ^==V
    Q    -   Q
       e - ^[-1]


Julia, 84 78 59 57 bytes


This is a recursive function that accepts two integers and returns an integer. The approach here is to check the sum of the exponents in the prime factorization against k.


function f(n, k, i=1)
    # We initialize a counter i as a function argument.

    # Recurse while we've encountered fewer than n k-almost primes
    if n > 0
        # If the sum of the exponents in the prime factorization of i is
        # equal to k, there are k prime factors of i. We subtract a boolean
        # from n, which is implicitly cast to an integer, which will
        # decrement n if i is k-almost prime and leave it as is otherwise.
        return f(n - (sum(values(factor(i))) == k), k, i + 1)
        # Otherwise we return i-1 (i will have been incremented one too
        # many times, hence the -1)
        return i - 1


Jelly, 9 bytes


Try it online!

How it works

Ç#Ṫ    Main link. Left input: k. Right input: n.

Ç      Apply the helper link to k, k + 1, k + 2, ... until...
 #       n matches are found.
  Ṫ    Retrieve the last match.

ÆfL=³  Helper link. Left argument: k (iterator)

Æf     Yield the prime factors of k.
  L    Compute the length of the list, i.e., the number of prime factors.
   =³  Compare the result with k (left input).

I'm not aware of any encoding that can save these 9 characters as 9 bytes.
Oleh Prypin

Jelly uses a custom encoding that represents the 256 character it understands with single bytes.


Brachylog, 18 bytes


Try it online!

                      Implicit input, say [5, 3]
,1                    Append 1 to the input list. [5, 3, 1]
  {           }ⁱ⁽     Repeat this predicate the number of times given by
                        the first element of the list (5),
                        on the rest of the list [3, 1]
   hH&                Let's call the first element H
      t<N             There is a number N greater than the second element
         ḋ            Whose prime factorization's
          l           length
           H          is equal to H
            ;N        Then, pair that N with H and let that be input for
                      the next iteration
                 t    At the end of iterations, take the last N
                      This is implicitly the output


Mathematica, 56 51 bytes


Warning: This is theoretical. Do not run for any values>4. Replace 2^## with a more efficient expression.

This doesn't work for n=1.

Also since PrimeOmega[1] evaluates to 0, &&#>1 is redundant.


Mathematica, 53 49 Bytes


Generates a list of integers based on a loose upper bound. PrimeOmega counts the prime factors with multiplicities, the k-almost prime Cases are taken from the list, and the nth member of that subset is returned.

2^(0+##), or just 2^## works.

@CatsAreFluffy Try 2^Sequence[1,2] to see why the latter fails.


Haskell, 88 bytes

Can probably be golfed a lot more, as I'm still a newbie to Haskell. The function q returns the number of factors of its argument, and f uses that to get take the nth element of a list made from all numbers that have k factors.

q n|n<2=0|1>0=1+q(div n ([x|x<-[2..],mod n x<1]!!0))
f n k=filter(\m->q m==k)[1..]!!n-1


MATL, 14 bytes


Try it on MATL Online

:               % Take first input n implicitly, make range 1 to n
 Yq             % Get corresponding prime numbers (1st prime to nth prime)
   i            % Take the second input k
    Z^          % Take the k-th cartesian power of the primes list 
                % (Getting all combinations of k primes)
      !Xp       % Multiply each combination (2*2*2, 2*2*3, 2*2*5, ...)
         Su     % Sort and unique
           1G)  % Take the n-th element of the result


Python 3, 100 bytes

This is a very simple brute force function. It checks every number starting from 2 with sympy's factorint function until it has found n k-almost primes, at which point, the function returns the nth of these.

import sympy
def a(n,k):
 while c<n:z+=1;c+=(sum(sympy.factorint(z).values())==k)
 return z


I use sum(factorint(a).values()) because factorint returns a dictionary of factor: exponent pairs. Grabbing the values of the dictionary (the exponents) and summing them tells me how many prime factors there are and thus what k this k-almost prime is.

from sympy import factorint
def almost(n, k):
    z = 1
    count = 0
    while count < n: 
        z += 1
        if sum(factorint(a).values()) == k:
            count += 1
    return z

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