Tüm İlkel Kelimeler Kümesi Bir Ana Dil midir?


Bir kelime ağırlıkw olarak adlandırılır ilkel bir kelime varsa, hv ve k > 1k>1 olacak şekilde ağırlık = v kw=vk . Bir alfabe Σ üzerindeki tüm ilkel kelimelerin QQ seti iyi bilinen bir dildir. WLOG seçebiliriz Σ = { a , b } .ΣΣ={a,b}

Bir dil olan asal her dil için eğer ve ile L = A B Elimizdeki A = { £ değenni } veya B = { £ değenni } .LLAABBL=ABA={ϵ}B={ϵ}

Q asal mıydı?

Biz ya sahip olduğunu göstermektedir olabilir çözücü bir SAT yardımıyla { a , b } A{a,b}A veya { a , b } B{a,b}B aksi { a b bir b bir , b bir b bir b } S{ababa,babab}Q içine factorized edilemez AA ve BB , ama o zamandan beri sıkışmış.



Cevap Evet. Varsayalım ki bir çarpanlara ayırmamız Q = A B'dirQ=AB .

Kolay bir gözlem, AA ve B'ninB ayrık olması gerektiğidir ( w A BwAB için w 2Qw2Q alırız ). Özellikle, A , B'denA,B sadece biri ϵϵ içerebilir . Wlog (diğer durum tamamen simetrik olduğu için) ϵ BϵB olduğunu varsayabiliriz . O zaman aa ve bb boş olmayan faktörlere dahil edilemediğinden, a , b A olmalıdıra,bA .

Next we get that ambnAambnA (and, completely analogously, bmanAbmanA) for all m,n>0m,n>0 by induction on mm:

For m=1m=1, since abnQabnQ, we must have abn=uvabn=uv with uA,vBuA,vB. Since uϵuϵ, vv must be bkbk for some knkn. But if k>0k>0, then since bAbA we get b1+kQb1+kQ, contradiction. So v=ϵv=ϵ, and abnAabnA.

For the inductive step, since am+1bnQam+1bnQ we have am+1bn=uvam+1bn=uv with uA,vBuA,vB. Since again uϵuϵ, we have either v=akbnv=akbn for some 0<k<m+10<k<m+1, or v=bkv=bk for some k<nk<n. But in the former case, vv is already in AA by the induction hypothesis, so v2Qv2Q, contradiction. In the latter case, we must have k=0k=0 (i.e. v=ϵv=ϵ) since from bAbA we get b1+kQb1+kQ. So u=am+1bnAu=am+1bnA.

Now consider the general case of primitive words with rr alternations between aa and bb, i.e. ww is either am1bn1amsbnsam1bn1amsbns, bm1an1bmsansbm1an1bmsans (for r=2s1r=2s1), am1bn1ams+1am1bn1ams+1, or bm1an1bms+1bm1an1bms+1 (for r=2sr=2s); we can show that they are all in AA using induction on rr. What we did so far covered the base cases r=0r=0 and r=1r=1.

For r>1r>1, we use another induction on m1m1, which works very much the same way as the one for r=1r=1 above:

If m1=1m1=1, then w=uvw=uv with uA,vBuA,vB, and since uϵuϵ, vv has fewer than rr alternations. So vv (or its root in case vv itself is not primitive) is in AA by the induction hypothesis on rr for a contradiction as above unless v=ϵv=ϵ. So w=uAw=uA.

If m1>1m1>1, in any factorization w=uvw=uv with uϵuϵ, vv either has fewer alternations (and its root is in AA unless v=ϵv=ϵ by the induction hypothesis on rr), or a shorter first block (and its root is in A unless v=ϵv=ϵ by the induction hypothesis on m1m1). In either case we get that we must have v=ϵv=ϵ, i.e. w=uAw=uA.

The case of Q:=Q{ϵ} is rather more complicated. The obvious things to note are that in any decomposition Q=AB, both A and B must be subsets of Q with AB={ϵ}. Also, a,b must be contained in AB.

With a bit of extra work, one can show that a and b must be in the same subset. Otherwise, assume wlog that aA and bB. Let us say that wQ has a proper factorization if w=uv with uA{ϵ} and vB{ϵ}. We have two (symmetric) subcases depending on where ba goes (it must be in A or B since it has no proper factorization).

  • If baA, then aba has no proper factorization since ba,aB. Since abaA would imply ababAB, we get abaB. As a consequence, bab is neither in A (which would imply bababaAB) nor in B (which would imply ababAB). Now consider the word babab. It has no proper factorization since babAB and abab,baba are not primitive. If bababA, then since abaB we get (ba)4AB; if bababB, then since aA we get (ab)3AB. So there is no way to have bababAB, contradiction.
  • The case baB is completely symmetric. In a nutshell: bab has no proper factorization and cannot be in B, so it must be in A; therefore aba cannot be in A or B; therefore ababa has no proper factorization but also cannot be in either A or B, contradiction.

I am currently not sure how to proceed beyond this point; it would be interesting to see if the above argument can be systematically generalized.

Wow, you have my respect. I'll go through it later today or tomorrow as I don't have time right now, but I am seriously impressed :) It took me a few hours to get that {a, b} are in A but I didn't exploit that \epsilon is not a primitive word. How did you approach this problem (or was it "just do it"?)? How long did it take you to come up with that proof?

Thanks! I got the main idea (showing that any nonempty proper suffix of words must be in A) by thinking about what happens to some "simple" words. ϵ,a, and b were relatively straightforward, an or bn were out of the question, and considering ab,abb,abbb, got me on the right path.
Klaus Draeger

Your proof is beautiful and not as hard as I thought (I feel quite stupid now, I spent some time thinking about it). However it seems to heavily relay on epsilon not being element of Q. Is Q{ϵ} also prime?

Good question! I'll have to get back to you on that one.
Klaus Draeger

Thanks for the comments, and sorry for the delay. The case where we want to include the empty word seems to be more complicated, see update.
Klaus Draeger
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