FieldUtils tarafından ele alınmayan birkaç tuhaflık vardır - özellikle sentetik alanlar (örneğin, JaCoCo tarafından enjekte edilen) ve ayrıca bir enum türünün her örnek için bir alanı olduğu gerçeği ve bir nesne grafiğini geziyorsanız, tüm alanlar ve sonra her birinin alanlarını vb. alırsanız, bir numaralandırmaya bastığınızda sonsuz bir döngüye girersiniz. Genişletilmiş bir çözüm (ve dürüst olmak gerekirse, bunun bir kütüphanede bir yerde yaşaması gerektiğine eminim!) Şöyle olacaktır:
* Return a list containing all declared fields and all inherited fields for the given input
* (but avoiding any quirky enum fields and tool injected fields).
public List<Field> getAllFields(Object input) {
return getFieldsAndInheritedFields(new ArrayList<>(), input.getClass());
private List<Field> getFieldsAndInheritedFields(List<Field> fields, Class<?> inputType) {
return inputType.getSuperclass() == null ? fields : getFieldsAndInheritedFields(fields, inputType.getSuperclass());
* Where the input is NOT an {@link Enum} type then get all declared fields except synthetic fields (ie instrumented
* additional fields). Where the input IS an {@link Enum} type then also skip the fields that are all the
* {@link Enum} instances as this would lead to an infinite loop if the user of this class is traversing
* an object graph.
private List<Field> getFilteredDeclaredFields(Class<?> inputType) {
return Arrays.asList(inputType.getDeclaredFields()).stream()
.filter(field -> !isAnEnum(inputType) ||
(isAnEnum(inputType) && !isSameType(field, inputType)))
.filter(field -> !field.isSynthetic())
private boolean isAnEnum(Class<?> type) {
return Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(type);
private boolean isSameType(Field input, Class<?> ownerType) {
return input.getType().equals(ownerType);
Spock'ta test sınıfı (ve Groovy sentetik alanlar ekler):
class ReflectionUtilsSpec extends Specification {
def "declared fields only"() {
given: "an instance of a class that does not inherit any fields"
def instance = new Superclass()
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class are returned"
result.size() == 1
result.findAll { in ['superThing'] }.size() == 1
def "inherited fields"() {
given: "an instance of a class that inherits fields"
def instance = new Subclass()
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class and its superclasses are returned"
result.size() == 2
result.findAll { in ['subThing', 'superThing'] }.size() == 2
def "no fields"() {
given: "an instance of a class with no declared or inherited fields"
def instance = new SuperDooperclass()
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class and its superclasses are returned"
result.size() == 0
def "enum"() {
given: "an instance of an enum"
def instance = Item.BIT
when: "all fields are requested"
def result = new ReflectionUtils().getAllFields(instance)
then: "the fields declared by that instance's class and its superclasses are returned"
result.size() == 3
result.findAll { == 'smallerItem' }.size() == 1
private class SuperDooperclass {
private class Superclass extends SuperDooperclass {
private String superThing
private class Subclass extends Superclass {
private String subThing
private enum Item {
BIT("quark"), BOB("muon")
Item(String smallerItem) {
this.smallerItem = smallerItem
private String smallerItem