Etiketi Visual Studio Başvurular klasöründe "Kopya yerel" onay kutusunun kullanıcı geçersiz kılma tutar. Bu, başvurunun GAC'den kullanılıp kullanılmayacağını veya başvurulan derlemeyi derleme dizinine kopyalayıp kopyalayamayacağını denetler.
Bu etkinin (ne sürpriz) herhangi MSDN belgelerine bulamıyorum birlikte, davranışlardan ve bellidir yorumun danMicrosoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets:1742
uygulandığı anlaşılıyor:
Bu, MSDN> Ortak MSBuild proje öğelerinde belgelenmiştir ve davranıştan ve uygulandığı yorumdanMicrosoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets:1742
Given the list of assemblies, find the closure of all assemblies that they depend on. These are
what we need to copy to the output directory.
@(Reference) - List of assembly references as fusion names.
@(_ResolvedProjectReferencePaths) - List of project references produced by projects that this project depends on.
The 'Private' attribute on the reference corresponds to the Copy Local flag in IDE.
The 'Private' flag can have three possible values:
- 'True' means the reference should be Copied Local
- 'False' means the reference should not be Copied Local
- [Missing] means this task will decide whether to treat this reference as CopyLocal or not.
@(ReferencePath) - Paths to resolved primary files.
@(ReferenceDependencyPaths) - Paths to resolved dependency files.
@(_ReferenceRelatedPaths) - Paths to .xmls and .pdbs.
@(ReferenceSatellitePaths) - Paths to satellites.
@(_ReferenceSerializationAssemblyPaths) - Paths to XML serialization assemblies created by sgen.
@(_ReferenceScatterPaths) - Paths to scatter files.
@(ReferenceCopyLocalPaths) - Paths to files that should be copied to the local directory.