PHP'de nasıl birim testleri yazarım? [kapalı]


Her yerde ne kadar harika olduklarını okudum, ancak bazı nedenlerden dolayı bir şeyi tam olarak nasıl test etmem gerektiğini anlayamıyorum. Birisi belki bir parça örnek kod gönderebilir ve bunu nasıl test edebilir? Çok fazla sorun değilse :)

Denge için, PHP için 2 veya 3 birim test çerçevesi yoktur - burada bir liste var:



Öğrenmesi çok daha kolay olan 3. bir "çerçeve" vardır - Basit Testten bile daha kolaydır , buna phpt denir.

Bir primer burada bulunabilir:

Düzenleme: Az önce örnek kod talebinizi gördüm.

Lib.php adlı bir dosyada aşağıdaki işleve sahip olduğunuzu varsayalım :

function foo($bar)
  return $bar;

Gerçekten basit ve anlaşılır şekilde, ilettiğiniz parametre döndürülür. Şimdi bu işlev için bir teste bakalım, test dosyasını foo.phpt olarak adlandıracağız :

foo() function - A basic test to see if it works. :)
include 'lib.php'; // might need to adjust path if not in the same dir
$bar = 'Hello World';
string(11) "Hello World"

Özetle, parametreye $bardeğer "Hello World"veriyoruz var_dump()ve fonksiyon çağrısının cevabını veriyoruz foo().

Bu testi çalıştırmak için şunu kullanın: pear run-test path/to/foo.phpt

Bu , çoğu durumda oldukça yaygın olan sisteminize çalışan bir PEAR yüklemesini gerektirir . Yüklemeniz gerekiyorsa, mevcut en son sürümü yüklemenizi tavsiye ederim. Kurulum için yardıma ihtiyacınız olursa, sormaktan çekinmeyin (ancak işletim sistemi vb. Sağlayın).

Olması gerekmiyor run-testsmu?


Birim testi için kullanabileceğiniz iki çerçeve vardır. En basit ve tercih ettiğim PHPUnit . PHPUnit ana sayfasındaki testlerin nasıl yazılacağı ve çalıştırılacağıyla ilgili öğreticileri okuyun. Oldukça kolay ve iyi tanımlanmış.


Kodlama stilinizi buna uyacak şekilde değiştirerek birim testini daha etkili hale getirebilirsiniz.

Ben gezen tavsiye Google Test Blog özellikle üzerinde yazı yazma Test edilebilir Kanunu .

Sanırım harika bir gönderiden bahsetmiştin. Cevabınıza 'Birim testi çok etkili değil' ile başlamak neredeyse olumsuz oy vermeme neden oldu, yine de bir test ustası olmak ... Muhtemelen, olumlu bir şekilde yeniden ifade etmek insanları makaleyi okumaya teşvik eder.

@xtofl, 'pozitifliği' biraz yükseltmek için düzenledi :)


Kendi kendime baktım çünkü başka birinin bir şeyler yapmasını öğrenecek vaktim yoktu, bunu yazmak için yaklaşık 20 dakika, buraya yazmak için uyarlamak 10 dakika sürdü.

Unittesting benim için çok faydalı.

bu biraz uzun ama kendini açıklıyor ve altta bir örnek var.

 * Provides Assertions
class Assert
    public static function AreEqual( $a, $b )
        if ( $a != $b )
            throw new Exception( 'Subjects are not equal.' );

 * Provides a loggable entity with information on a test and how it executed
class TestResult
    protected $_testableInstance = null;

    protected $_isSuccess = false;
    public function getSuccess()
        return $this->_isSuccess;

    protected $_output = '';
    public function getOutput()
        return $_output;
    public function setOutput( $value )
        $_output = $value;

    protected $_test = null;
    public function getTest()
        return $this->_test;

    public function getName()
        return $this->_test->getName();
    public function getComment()
        return $this->ParseComment( $this->_test->getDocComment() );

    private function ParseComment( $comment )
        $lines = explode( "\n", $comment );
        for( $i = 0; $i < count( $lines ); $i ++ )
            $lines[$i] = trim( $lines[ $i ] );
        return implode( "\n", $lines );

    protected $_exception = null;
    public function getException()
        return $this->_exception;

    static public function CreateFailure( Testable $object, ReflectionMethod $test, Exception $exception )
        $result = new self();
        $result->_isSuccess = false;
        $result->testableInstance = $object;
        $result->_test = $test;
        $result->_exception = $exception;

        return $result;
    static public function CreateSuccess( Testable $object, ReflectionMethod $test )
        $result = new self();
        $result->_isSuccess = true;
        $result->testableInstance = $object;
        $result->_test = $test;

        return $result;

 * Provides a base class to derive tests from
abstract class Testable
    protected $test_log = array();

     * Logs the result of a test. keeps track of results for later inspection, Overridable to log elsewhere.
    protected function Log( TestResult $result )
        $this->test_log[] = $result;

        printf( "Test: %s was a %s %s\n"
            ,$result->getSuccess() ? 'success' : 'failure'
            ,$result->getSuccess() ? '' : sprintf( "\n%s (lines:%d-%d; file:%s)"

    final public function RunTests()
        $class = new ReflectionClass( $this );
        foreach( $class->GetMethods() as $method )
            $methodname = $method->getName();
            if ( strlen( $methodname ) > 4 && substr( $methodname, 0, 4 ) == 'Test' )
                    $result = TestResult::CreateSuccess( $this, $method );
                catch( Exception $ex )
                    $result = TestResult::CreateFailure( $this, $method, $ex );
                $output = ob_get_clean();
                $result->setOutput( $output );
                $this->Log( $result );

 * a simple Test suite with two tests
class MyTest extends Testable
     * This test is designed to fail
    public function TestOne()
        Assert::AreEqual( 1, 2 );

     * This test is designed to succeed
    public function TestTwo()
        Assert::AreEqual( 1, 1 );

// this is how to use it.
$test = new MyTest();

This outputs:

Test: TestOne was a failure 
* This test is designed to fail
**/ (lines:149-152; file:/Users/kris/Desktop/Testable.php)
Test: TestTwo was a success 


Get PHPUnit. It is very easy to use.

Then start with very simple assertions. You can do alot with AssertEquals before you get into anything else. That's a good way to get your feet wet.

You may also want to try writing your test first (since you gave your question the TDD tag) and then write your code. If you haven't done this before it is an eye-opener.

require_once 'ClassYouWantToTest';
require_once 'PHPUnit...blah,blah,whatever';

class ClassYouWantToTest extends PHPUnit...blah,blah,whatever
    private $ClassYouWantToTest;

   protected function setUp ()
        $this->ClassYouWantToTest = new ClassYouWantToTest(/* parameters */);

    protected function tearDown ()
        $this->ClassYouWantToTest = null;

    public function __construct ()
        // not really needed

     * Tests ClassYouWantToTest->methodFoo()
    public function testMethodFoo ()
            $this->ClassYouWantToTest->methodFoo('putValueOfParamHere), 'expectedOutputHere);

     * Tests ClassYouWantToTest->methodBar()
    public function testMethodFoo ()
            $this->ClassYouWantToTest->methodBar('putValueOfParamHere), 'expectedOutputHere);


For simple tests AND documentation, php-doctest is quite nice and it's a really easy way to get started since you don't have to open a separate file. Imagine the function below:

* Sums 2 numbers
* <code>
* //doctest: add
* echo add(5,2);
* //expects:
* 7
* </code>
function add($a,$b){
    return $a + $b;   

If you now run this file through phpdt (command-line runner of php-doctest) 1 test will be run. The doctest is contained inside the < code > block. Doctest originated in python and is fine for giving useful & runnable examples on how the code is supposed to work. You can't use it exclusively because the code itself would litter up with test cases but I've found that it's useful alongside a more formal tdd library - i use phpunit.

This 1st answer here sums it up nicely (it's not unit vs doctest ).

doesn't it make the source a little clutter?
Ali Ghanavatian

it can. it should only be used for single simple tests. also doubles as documentation. if you need more use unit test.


phpunit is pretty much the defacto unit testing framework for php. there is also DocTest (available as a PEAR package) and a few others. php itself is tested for regressions and the like via phpt tests which can also be run via pear.


Codeception tests are much like common unit tests but are much powerful in things where you need mocking and stubbing.

Here is the sample controller test. Notice how easily stubs are created. How easily you check the method was invoked.

use Codeception\Util\Stub as Stub;

const VALID_USER_ID = 1;
const INVALID_USER_ID = 0;

class UserControllerCest {
public $class = 'UserController';

public function show(CodeGuy $I) {
    // prepare environment
    $I->haveFakeClass($controller = Stub::makeEmptyExcept($this->class, 'show'));
    $I->haveFakeClass($db = Stub::make('DbConnector', array('find' => function($id) { return $id == VALID_USER_ID ? new User() : null ))); };
    $I->setProperty($controller, 'db', $db);

    $I->executeTestedMethodOn($controller, VALID_USER_ID)
        ->seeMethodInvoked($controller, 'render');

    $I->expect('it will render 404 page for non existent user')
        ->executeTestedMethodOn($controller, INVALID_USER_ID)
        ->seeMethodInvoked($controller, 'render404','User not found')
        ->seeMethodNotInvoked($controller, 'render');

Also there are other cool things. You can test database state, filesystem, etc.


Besides the excellent suggestions about test frameworks already given, are you building your application with one of the PHP web frameworks that has automated testing built in, such as Symfony or CakePHP? Sometimes having a place to just drop in your test methods reduces the start-up friction some people associate with automated testing and TDD.


Way too much to re-post here, but here is a great article on using phpt. It covers a number of aspects around phpt that are often overlooked, so it could be worth a read to expand your knowledge of php beyond just writing a test. Fortunately the article also discusses writing tests!

The main points of discussion

  1. Discover how marginally documented aspects of PHP work (or pretty much any part for that matter)
  2. Write simple unit tests for your own PHP code
  3. Write tests as part of an extension or to convey a potential bug to the internals or QA groups


I know there is a lot of info here already, but since this still shows up on Google searches i might as well add Chinook Test Suite to the list. It is a simple and small test framework.

You can easily test your classes with it and also create mock objects. You run the tests through a web browser and (not yet) through a console. In the browser you can specify what test class or even what test method to run. Or you can simply run all tests.

A screenshot from the github page:

Chinook Unit Test framework

What i like about it is the way you assert tests. This is done with so called "fluent assertions". Example:


And creating mock objects is a breeze too (with a fluent like syntax):

$mock = new CFMock::Create(new DummyClass());
$mock->ACallTo('SomeMethod')->Returns('some value');

Anyway, more info can be found on the github page with a code example as well:

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