Sayfa yüklemeleri arasında değişkenleri kalıcı hale getirin


Formumun gönder düğmesine basılmasını yakalamaya çalışıyorum ve form gönderilirse sayfa yenileniyor ve birkaç gizli alan gösteriyorum. Formun daha önce gönderilip gönderilmediğini ve yeniden yükleme sırasında gönderilip gönderilmediğini yakalamak istiyorum, gizli alanları göstermek istiyorum. Bunu başarmak için global bir değişken kullanmaya çalışıyordum, ancak düzgün çalışmasını sağlayamadım.

İşte denediğim şey:

  var clicked = false;

  $(document).ready(function() {

    $("input[type='submit'][value='Search']").attr("onclick", "form.act.value='detailSearch'; clicked = true;  return true;");

    if (clicked == true) {
      // show hidden fields
    } else {
      // don't show hidden fields

Any suggestions on what is wrong with this code?

I don't think this can be done without some kind of storage. Your JS variables will all be whiped clean. Your whole scope will be recycled.
Dave Alperovich

Why don't you put most of your page into a "partial" and refresh that?
Dave Alperovich

What is a partial? Sorry I am not aware of that.

Have you considered submitting the form via ajax and showing the fields after the submission?

Can you elaborate on why you need the page to refresh? If we can avoid it, you may able to do what you want if you just preventDefault on the submit event (instead of the click you're using.)



As HTTP is stateless, every time you load the page it will use the initial values of whatever you set in JavaScript. You can't set a global variable in JS and simply make that value stay after loading the page again.

There are a couple of ways you could store the value in another place so that you can initialize it on load using JavaScript

Query string

When submitting a form using the GET method, the url gets updated with a query string (?parameter=value&something=42). You can utilize this by setting an input field in the form to a certain value. This would be the simplest example:

<form method="GET">
    <input type="hidden" name="clicked" value="true" />
    <input type="submit" />

On initial load of the page, no query string is set. When you submit this form, the name and value combination of the input are passed in the query string as clicked=true. So when the page loads again with that query string you can check if the button was clicked.

To read this data, you can use the following script on page load:

function getParameterByName(name) {
    name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\]");
    var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"),
        results = regex.exec(;
    return results === null ? "" : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

var clicked = getParameterByName('clicked');


Ability to use this depends on how your form currently works, if you already use a POST then this could be problematic.

In addition, for larger sets of data this is less than optimal. Passing around a string isn't a big deal but for arrays and objects of data you should probably use Web Storage or cookies. While the details differ a bit across browsers, the practical limit to URI length is around 2000 characters

Web Storage

With the introduction of HTML5 we also got Web Storage, which allows you to save information in the browser across page loads. There is localStorage which can save data for a longer period (as long as the user doesn't manually clear it) and sessionStorage which saves data only during your current browsing session. The latter is useful for you here, because you don't want to keep "clicked" set to true when the user comes back later.

Here I set the storage on the button click event, but you could also bind it to form submit or anything else.

$('input[type="submit"][value="Search"]').click(function() {
    sessionStorage.setItem('clicked', 'true');

Then when you load the page, you can check if it's set using this:

var clicked = sessionStorage.getItem('clicked');

Even though this value is only saved during this browsing session, it might be possible you want to reset it earlier. To do so, use:


If you would want to save a JS object or array you should convert that to a string. According to the spec it should be possible to save other datatypes, but this isn't correctly implemented across browsers yet.

localStorage.setItem('myObject', JSON.stringify(myObject));

var myObject = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('myObject'));

Browser support is pretty great so you should be safe to use this unless you need to support really old/obscure browsers. Web Storage is the future.


An alternative to Web Storage is saving the data in a cookie. Cookies are mainly made to read data server-side, but can be used for purely client-side data as well.

You already use jQuery, which makes setting cookies quite easy. Again, I use the click event here but could be used anywhere.

$('input[type="submit"][value="Search"]').click(function() {
    $.cookie('clicked', 'true', {expires: 1}); // expires in 1 day

Then on page load you can read the cookie like this:

var clicked = $.cookie('clicked');

As cookies persist across sessions in your case you will need to unset them as soon as you've done whatever you need to do with it. You wouldn't want the user to come back a day later and still have clicked set to true.

if(clicked === "true") {
    $.cookie('clicked', null);

(a non-jQuery way to set/read cookies can be found right here)

I personally wouldn't use a cookie for something simple as remembering a clicked state, but if the query string isn't an option and you need to support really old browsers that don't support sessionStorage this will work. You should implement that with a check for sessionStorage first, and only if that fails use the cookie method.

Although this seems like a hack to me that probably originated from before localStorage/sessionStorage, you could store information in the property: = "my value"

It can only store strings, so if you want to save an object you'll have to stringify it just like the above localStorage example: = JSON.stringify({ clicked: true });

The major difference is that this information is retained across not only page refreshes but also different domains. However, it is restricted to the current tab you're in.

This means you could save some information on your page and as long as the user stays in that tab, you could access that same information even if he browsed to another website and back. In general, I would advice against using this unless you need to actually store cross-domain information during a single browsing session.

Ugh, only after writing did I read your bounty description that said "no cookies or local storage". I'll keep this comment intact for others that might need it, but you'll just need to use the query string I guess.
Stephan Muller

Basically I am already using localStorage in a lot of cases for my web application and I would like to avoid using too many localStorage variables. However I do like the idea of removing the localStorage item once I am done with it. That was something I did not think of when using my localStorage variable.

In case of post request you can modify the action -attribute $("#formid").attr("action", url+"&clicked=1") and also detect GET or POST from $("#formid").attr("method") but it may not solve how to detect the reload problem
Tero Tolonen

@TheNewbie it's been a while since I wrote this answer, but I just added a new option ( It might just do exactly what you needed without using cookies/localStorage.
Stephan Muller

I wanted to add that local and session storage are not totally reliable on newer browsers aswell. Usually there is a fallback to


Try utilizing $.holdReady() , history

function show() {
  return $("form input[type=hidden]")
          .replaceWith(function(i, el) {
            return "<input type=text>"

    if (history.state !== null && history.state.clicked === true) {
       // show hidden fields
       // if `history.state.clicked === true` ,
       // replace `input type=hidden` with `input type=text`

    } else {
        // don't show hidden fields

  $(document).ready(function() {

    .on("click", function(e) {
        if (history.state === null) {
          // do stuff
          // replace `input type=hidden` with `input type=text`
        } else {
          // do other stuff

<script src=""></script>
<form method="POST">
    <input type="text" name="name" value="" />
    <input type="submit" value="Search" />
    <input type="hidden" />
    <input type="hidden" />


Using localeStorage or sessionStorage seems to be the best bet.

Intead of saving the clicked variable in the globle scope store it this way:

if(localeStorage.getItem("clicked") === null)
    localeStorage.setItem("clicked", "FALSE"); // for the first time

$(document).ready(function() {

    $("input[type='submit'][value='Search']").attr("onclick", "form.act.value='detailSearch';return true;");

    var clicked = localeStorage.getItem("clicked") == "FALSE" ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";

    localeStorage.setItem("clicked", clicked);

    if (clicked == "TRUE") {
      // show hidden fields
    } else {
      // don't show hidden fields


I am intending on not using localstorage or sessionStorage preferably.


You could try this:

     clicked = true;  
     return true;

When the page reloads, the still get the clicked value as false.

@TheNewbie do you think you can pass a query string? with page refresh the current approach will not work.
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