bitcoin psbt defter ile nasıl imzalanır?


Ben burada buldum aşağıdaki bitcoinjs-lib bir Psbt işlem imzalamaya çalışıyorum:

Sıkıştırılmış publicKey'in hem defterden hem de bitcoinjsLib'den aynı değeri döndürdüğünü kontrol ettim.

Bitcoinjs-lib ECPair ile imzalayabilirim, ancak defter kullanarak imzalamaya çalıştığımda, her zaman geçersizdir.

Birisi nerede hata yaptığımı belirtmeme yardımcı olabilir mi?

Bu değişkenler aşağıdaki kodda zaten belirtilmiştir, ancak açıklık amacıyla:

- mnemonics: 
abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about

- previousTx:

- paths:

- redeemScript: (non-multisig segwit)

Bu benim minimum tekrarlanabilir kodum.

/* tslint:disable */
// @ts-check
const bip39 = require('bip39');
const { default: Transport } = require('@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid');
const { default: AppBtc } = require('@ledgerhq/hw-app-btc');
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const mnemonics = 'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about';
const NETWORK = bitcoin.networks.regtest;

 * @param {string} pk 
 * @returns {string}
function compressPublicKey(pk) {
  const { publicKey } = bitcoin.ECPair.fromPublicKey(Buffer.from(pk, 'hex'));
  return publicKey.toString('hex');

/** @returns {Promise<any>} */
async function appBtc() {
  const transport = await Transport.create();
  const btc = new AppBtc(transport);
  return btc;

const signTransaction = async() => {
  const ledger = await appBtc();
  const paths = ["0'/0/0"];
  const [ path ] = paths;
  const previousTx = "02000000000101869362410c61a69ab9390b2167d08219662196e869626e8b0350f1a8e4075efb0100000017160014ef3fdddccdb6b53e6dd1f5a97299a6ba2e1c11c3ffffffff0240420f000000000017a914f748afee815f78f97672be5a9840056d8ed77f4887df9de6050000000017a9142ff4aa6ffa987335c7bdba58ef4cbfecbe9e49938702473044022061a01bf0fbac4650a9b3d035b3d9282255a5c6040aa1d04fd9b6b52ed9f4d20a022064e8e2739ef532e6b2cb461321dd20f5a5d63cf34da3056c428475d42c9aff870121025fb5240daab4cee5fa097eef475f3f2e004f7be702c421b6607d8afea1affa9b00000000"
  const utxo = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(previousTx);
  const segwit = utxo.hasWitnesses();
  const txIndex = 0;

  // ecpairs things.
  const seed = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonics);
  const node = bitcoin.bip32.fromSeed(seed, NETWORK);

  const ecPrivate = node.derivePath(path);
  const ecPublic = bitcoin.ECPair.fromPublicKey(ecPrivate.publicKey, { network: NETWORK });
  const p2wpkh = bitcoin.payments.p2wpkh({ pubkey: ecPublic.publicKey, network: NETWORK });
  const p2sh = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: p2wpkh, network: NETWORK });
  const redeemScript = p2sh.redeem.output;
  const fromLedger = await ledger.getWalletPublicKey(path, { format: 'p2sh' });
  const ledgerPublicKey = compressPublicKey(fromLedger.publicKey);
  const bitcoinJsPublicKey = ecPublic.publicKey.toString('hex');
  console.log({ ledgerPublicKey, bitcoinJsPublicKey, address: p2sh.address, segwit, fromLedger, redeemScript: redeemScript.toString('hex') });

  var tx1 = ledger.splitTransaction(previousTx, true);
  const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network: NETWORK });
    hash: utxo.getId(),
    index: txIndex,
    nonWitnessUtxo: Buffer.from(previousTx, 'hex'),
    address: 'mgWUuj1J1N882jmqFxtDepEC73Rr22E9GU',
    value: 5000,
  psbt.setMaximumFeeRate(1000 * 1000 * 1000); // ignore maxFeeRate we're testnet anyway.
  /** @type {string} */
  // @ts-ignore
  const newTx = psbt.__CACHE.__TX.toHex();
  console.log({ newTx });

  const splitNewTx = await ledger.splitTransaction(newTx, true);
  const outputScriptHex = await ledger.serializeTransactionOutputs(splitNewTx).toString("hex");
  const expectedOutscriptHex = '0188130000000000001976a9140ae1441568d0d293764a347b191025c51556cecd88ac';
  // stolen from:
  console.log({ outputScriptHex, expectedOutscriptHex, eq: expectedOutscriptHex === outputScriptHex });

  const inputs = [ [tx1, 0, p2sh.redeem.output.toString('hex') /** ??? */] ];
  const ledgerSignatures = await ledger.signP2SHTransaction(
    0, // lockTime,
    undefined, // sigHashType = SIGHASH_ALL ???
    2, // version??,

  const signer = {
    network: NETWORK,
    publicKey: ecPrivate.publicKey,
    /** @param {Buffer} $hash */
    sign: ($hash) => {
      const expectedSignature = ecPrivate.sign($hash); // just for comparison.
      const [ ledgerSignature0 ] = ledgerSignatures;
      const decodedLedgerSignature = bitcoin.script.signature.decode(Buffer.from(ledgerSignature0, 'hex'));
        $hash: $hash.toString('hex'),
        expectedSignature: expectedSignature.toString('hex'),
        actualSignature: decodedLedgerSignature.signature.toString('hex'),
      // return signature;
      return decodedLedgerSignature.signature;
  psbt.signInput(0, signer);
  const validated = psbt.validateSignaturesOfInput(0);
  const hex = psbt.extractTransaction().toHex();
  console.log({ validated, hex });

if (process.argv[1] === __filename) {



Ooof, sonunda işe yaradı.

Benim hatam bir p2sh-p2ms imzalamaya çalışıyordu, p2sh-p2wsh-p2ms imzalamak için bir referans takip ederek.

Ve ayrıca, SIGHASH_ALL'i temsil ettiğini düşündüğüm son 2 bit (01) eksik, imzayı çözmeyi denediğimde bir hataya neden oldu.

bu benim kesinleşmiş çalışma örneğim.

// @ts-check
const bip39 = require('bip39');
const { default: Transport } = require('@ledgerhq/hw-transport-node-hid');
const { default: AppBtc } = require('@ledgerhq/hw-app-btc');
const serializer = require('@ledgerhq/hw-app-btc/lib/serializeTransaction');
const bitcoin = require('bitcoinjs-lib');
const mnemonics = 'abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon abandon about';
const NETWORK = bitcoin.networks.regtest;
const SIGHASH_ALL = 1;
const PATHS = ["m/49'/1'/0'/0/0", "m/49'/1'/0'/0/1"]; 

async function appBtc() {
  const transport = await Transport.create();
  const btc = new AppBtc(transport);
  return btc;

 * @param {string} pk 
 * @returns {string}
function compressPublicKey(pk) {
  const {
  } = bitcoin.ECPair.fromPublicKey(Buffer.from(pk, 'hex'));
  return publicKey.toString('hex');

 * @param {AppBtc} ledger
 * @param {bitcoin.Transaction} tx
function splitTransaction(ledger, tx) {
  return ledger.splitTransaction(tx.toHex(), tx.hasWitnesses());

const signTransaction = async() => {
  const seed = await bip39.mnemonicToSeed(mnemonics);
  const node = bitcoin.bip32.fromSeed(seed, NETWORK);
  const signers = => node.derivePath(p));
  const publicKeys = => s.publicKey);
  const p2ms = bitcoin.payments.p2ms({ pubkeys: publicKeys, network: NETWORK, m: 1 });
  const p2shP2ms = bitcoin.payments.p2sh({ redeem: p2ms, network: NETWORK });
  const previousTx = '02000000000101588e8fc89afea9adb79de2650f0cdba762f7d0880c29a1f20e7b468f97da9f850100000017160014345766130a8f8e83aef8621122ca14fff88e6d51ffffffff0240420f000000000017a914a0546d83e5f8876045d7025a230d87bf69db893287df9de6050000000017a9142ff4aa6ffa987335c7bdba58ef4cbfecbe9e49938702483045022100c654271a891af98e46ca4d82ede8cccb0503a430e50745f959274294c98030750220331b455fed13ff4286f6db699eca06aa0c1c37c45c9f3aed3a77a3b0187ff4ac0121037ebcf3cf122678b9dc89b339017c5b76bee9fedd068c7401f4a8eb1d7e841c3a00000000';
  const utxo = bitcoin.Transaction.fromHex(previousTx);
  const txIndex = 0;
  const destination = p2shP2ms;
  const redeemScript = destination.redeem.output;
  // const witnessScript = destination.redeem.redeem.output;
  const ledgerRedeemScript = redeemScript;
  // use witness script if the outgoing transaction was from a p2sh-p2wsh-p2ms instead of p2sh-p2ms
  const fee = 1000;
  /** @type {number} */
  // @ts-ignore
  const amount = utxo.outs[txIndex].value;
  const withdrawAmount = amount - fee;
  const psbt = new bitcoin.Psbt({ network: NETWORK });
  const version = 1;
    hash: utxo.getId(),
    index: txIndex,
    nonWitnessUtxo: utxo.toBuffer(),
    address: '2MsK2NdiVEPCjBMFWbjFvQ39mxWPMopp5vp',
    value: withdrawAmount
  /** @type {bitcoin.Transaction}  */
  // @ts-ignore
  const newTx = psbt.__CACHE.__TX;

  const ledger = await appBtc();
  const inLedgerTx = splitTransaction(ledger, utxo);
  const outLedgerTx = splitTransaction(ledger, newTx);
  const outputScriptHex = await serializer.serializeTransactionOutputs(outLedgerTx).toString('hex');

  /** @param {string} path */
  const signer = (path) => {
    const ecPrivate = node.derivePath(path);
    // actually only publicKey is needed, albeit ledger give an uncompressed one.
    // const { publicKey: uncompressedPublicKey } = await ledger.getWalletPublicKey(path);
    // const publicKey = compressPublicKey(publicKey);
    return {
      network: NETWORK,
      publicKey: ecPrivate.publicKey,
      /** @param {Buffer} $hash */
      sign: async ($hash) => {
        const ledgerTxSignatures = await ledger.signP2SHTransaction({
          inputs: [[inLedgerTx, txIndex, ledgerRedeemScript.toString('hex')]],
          associatedKeysets: [ path ],
          lockTime: DEFAULT_LOCK_TIME,
          segwit: newTx.hasWitnesses(),
          transactionVersion: version,
          sigHashType: SIGHASH_ALL,
        const [ ledgerSignature ] = ledgerTxSignatures;
        const expectedSignature = ecPrivate.sign($hash);
        const finalSignature = (() => {
          if (newTx.hasWitnesses()) {
            return Buffer.from(ledgerSignature, 'hex');
          return Buffer.concat([
            Buffer.from('01', 'hex'), // SIGHASH_ALL
          expectedSignature: expectedSignature.toString('hex'),
          finalSignature: finalSignature.toString('hex'),
        const { signature } = bitcoin.script.signature.decode(finalSignature);
        return signature;
  await psbt.signInputAsync(0, signer(PATHS[0]));
  const validate = await psbt.validateSignaturesOfAllInputs();
  await psbt.finalizeAllInputs();
  const hex = psbt.extractTransaction().toHex();
  console.log({ validate, hex });

if (process.argv[1] === __filename) {


Benim tahminim dize toByteArrayişlevine geçirilen bir boşluk var . Bu işlev girişi kesmez. Ayrıca giriş uzunluğunun eşit olup olmadığını kontrol etmez.

Hmm ... bu sorun olduğunu sanmıyorum, standart kullanmayı denedim Buffer.from, ama yukarıdaki kod sadece bana orijinal kod tarayıcıda çalışması gerekiyordu çünkü yukarıda bahsettiğim referans kodu kod yapıştırma olduğunu.
Sitemizi kullandığınızda şunları okuyup anladığınızı kabul etmiş olursunuz: Çerez Politikası ve Gizlilik Politikası.
Licensed under cc by-sa 3.0 with attribution required.