Intel masaüstü anakartında Bluestacks App Player grafik kartı hatası D945GCLF


Bluestacks App Player'ı Windows 8 Pro 32bit kullanan bir makineye yüklemeye çalışıyorum. Ama ne zaman uygulama yükleyeceğim bu hatayı gösterir. Please install Graphics driver.

Aşağıda makine detayları verilmiştir:

  • Anakart: Intel® masaüstü kartı D945GCLF
  • İşletim sistemi: Windows 8 Pro 32Bit (x86)

Resmen Windows 8 için uygun sürücü yok, bu yüzden Windows 7 32bit sürücülerini kurdum.

Ama yine de bundan sonra BlueStacks’i çalıştıramıyorum ve aynı hatayı üretiyorum.

Sürücüleri buldum bu URL

Bu sorunu nasıl çözeceğime yardım et.

Şansın tükenmiş gibi gözüküyor. Windows 7 sürücüleri oynatıcıyı statifiye etmezse, söz konusu oynatıcının kullanıcısı olarak yapabileceğiniz pek bir şey yoktur.

Herhangi bir hata kodu normalde onunla birlikte bluestacks hata kodları ile açılır pencereler oluşturur
BlueBerry - Vignesh4303



Grafik kartının bir yazılım tarafından tanımlandığı iki Senaryo olabilir, Mavi yığınlar iki şeyi kullanır

1.Microsoft’s proprietary Direct3D >>used to run windows

2.OpenGL >>used to Run android Programs

Grafik kartı sürücülerinizi güncelleyerek yeniden deneyin

itibaren msdn Forumlar:

Method 1: I would suggest you to roll back to the previous driver.

a)      Press Windows key + X on the keyboard.

b)      Click Device Manager.

c)       Double-click on Display Adapters.

d)      Double-click on your Graphic Card Drivers

e)      Select the Driver Tab

f)       Click on Roll Back Driver.

Method 2: I would suggest you to uninstall and reinstall the graphic drivers and check.

a)      Click on Start, type Device Manager and hit enter.

b)      Go to display adapter.

c)       Right click on the video card, click on uninstalls.

Reboot the computer to update the driver’s automatically.

In case not able to update the drive I would suggest you to manually download and install the drivers

from the Manufacturer’s website and check.

Follow the steps to install it in compatibility mode;

a)      Press the ‘Windows key + W’ key on the keyboard.

b)      Type compatibility in the search box and then press Enter.

c)       Click “Run programs made for previous versions of Windows” option from the list appeared in the left side.

d)      Select the drivers or games and install.

Make older programs compatible with this version of Windows

Most programs created for earlier versions of Windows also work in this version of Windows, but some older programs might run poorly or not at all. If a program written for an earlier version of Windows doesn't work correctly, you can try changing the compatibility settings for the program, either by using the Program Compatibility Troubleshooter or manually choosing compatibility settings.

What is program compatibility?

Method 3: Try installing the application in Clean Boot and check.

Perform Clean Boot.

To help troubleshoot error messages and other issues, you can start Windows 8 by using a minimal set of drivers and startup programs. This kind of startup is known as a "clean boot." A clean boot helps eliminate software conflicts.

Please refer to the link and follow the steps and check.

Please refer to the section “How to determine what is causing the problem by performing a clean boot”

Important: Reset the computer to start to normal startup.

Note: After you have finished troubleshooting, follow these steps to boot to normal startup.

a)      Press the ‘Windows + R’ key on the keyboard.

b)      In the ‘Run’ window type ’MSCONFIG’ and click ‘Ok’.

c)       On the ‘General’ tab, click the ‘Normal Startup’ option, and then click ‘OK’.

d)      When you are prompted to restart the computer, click ‘Restart’.

After you determine the startup item or the service that causes the problem, contact the program manufacturer to determine whether the problem can be resolved.

Normal olarak gpu güncellemesi, directx'i güncellemişseniz de sorunu çözecektir,

Grafik Sürücüsünü Güncelle Intel Yonga Kümesi buradan

hata kodunu gönderdikten sonra daha fazla araştırmamıza yardımcı olur

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