DISM'i görüntüleri yakalamak ve bir ağ diskinde saklamak için kullanıyorum. Onları yakalamak için standart bir 32bit WinPE 4.0 ortamı kullanıyorum.
Geçerli yolum olarak ayarlandı i:\images
ve şu komutu yürüttüm:
dism /capture-image /imagefile:ae2212-w81-64bit-v1.wim /capture-dir:c:\ /name:system
% 100'e kadar çıktı ve hangi noktada hatayla başarısız oldu There is not enough space on the disk.
. Yakalama sırasında ağ sürücüsünü izledim ve görüntünün büyüdüğünü görebiliyordum. Hata mesajı oluştuğunda görüntü silindi.
Tuhaf olan, görüntünün yaklaşık 15 GB olması ve ağ sürücüsünün 500 GB’den fazla boş olması.
Yanlış giden ne olabilir, /scratchdir
seçeneği kullanmalı mıyım?
2014-02-19 01:04:37, Info DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=1216 c:\Windows.old\Windows\WinSxS\x86_wcf-m_svc_mon_sup_dll_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.16432_none_a2bd221c1cde6e62\ServiceMonikerSupport.dll (HRESULT=0x8007011A) - CWimManager::WimProviderMsgLogCallback
[1216] [0xc144012f]
2014-02-19 01:04:37, Info DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=1216 c:\Windows.old\Windows\WinSxS\x86_wcf-system.identitymodel_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_6.2.9200.16432_none_30a420f7f05ab330\System.IdentityModel.dll (HRESULT=0x8007011A) - CWimManager::WimProviderMsgLogCallback
[1216] [0xc144012f]
2014-02-19 01:04:37, Info DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=1216 c:\Windows.old\Windows\WinSxS\x86_wcf-system.runtime.serialization_b03f5f7f11d50a3a_6.2.9200.16432_none_123c6840d0913997\System.Runtime.Serialization.dll (HRESULT=0x8007011A) - CWimManager::WimProviderMsgLogCallback
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
[1216] [0x80070070] ReadWriteDataInternal:(141): There is not enough space on the disk.
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=1216 TID=1220 base\ntsetup\opktools\dism\providers\wimprovider\dll\wimmanager.cpp:1217 - CWimManager::Capture(hr:0x80070070)
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=1216 TID=1220 base\ntsetup\opktools\dism\providers\wimprovider\dll\wimmanager.cpp:4274 - CWimManager::InternalCmdCaptureBase(hr:0x80070070)
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=1216 TID=1220 Error executing command - CWimManager::InternalExecuteCmd(hr:0x80070070)
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Error DISM DISM WIM Provider: PID=1216 TID=1220 base\ntsetup\opktools\dism\providers\wimprovider\dll\wimmanager.cpp:1928 - CWimManager::ExecuteCmdLine(hr:0x80070070)
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Error DISM DISM.EXE: WimManager processed the command line but failed. HRESULT=80070070
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM.EXE: Image session has been closed. Reboot required=no.
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM.EXE: <----- Ending Dism.exe session ----->
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM.EXE:
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=1216 TID=1220 Found the OSServices. Waiting to finalize it until all other providers are unloaded. - CDISMProviderStore::Final_OnDisconnect
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=1216 TID=1220 Disconnecting Provider: FolderManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=1216 TID=1220 Disconnecting Provider: WimManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=1216 TID=1220 Disconnecting Provider: VHDManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=1216 TID=1220 Disconnecting Provider: GenericImagingManager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=1216 TID=1220 Disconnecting Provider: Compatibility Manager - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider
2014-02-19 01:56:22, Info DISM DISM Provider Store: PID=1216 TID=1220 Releasing the local reference to DISMLogger. Stop logging. - CDISMProviderStore::Internal_DisconnectProvider