Aslında kullanabileceğiniz bir paket servisi powershell betiği zaten vardı.
Onları kolayca bulabilirsiniz. UAC seviyesi nasıl değiştirilir
Umarım, yardımcı olabilir.
Belirtilen Microsoft Technet sitesinin kodu aşağıdaki cmdlet'leri uygular:
- Set-UACLevel ()
- Get-UACLevel ()
Ancak bu işletim sistemi için onaylanmadılar (12. Ocak 2017):
- Windows Server 2012 R2
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows 7
Kod pasajı:
New-Variable -Name Key
New-Variable -Name PromptOnSecureDesktop_Name
New-Variable -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Name
Function Set-RegistryValue($key, $name, $value, $type="Dword") {
If ((Test-Path -Path $key) -Eq $false) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $key | Out-Null }
Set-ItemProperty -Path $key -Name $name -Value $value -Type $type
Function Get-RegistryValue($key, $value) {
(Get-ItemProperty $key $value).$value
$Key = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System"
$ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Name = "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"
$PromptOnSecureDesktop_Name = "PromptOnSecureDesktop"
Function Get-UACLevel(){
$ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value = Get-RegistryValue $Key $ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Name
$PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value = Get-RegistryValue $Key $PromptOnSecureDesktop_Name
If($ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value -Eq 0 -And $PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value -Eq 0){
"Never notIfy"
ElseIf($ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value -Eq 5 -And $PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value -Eq 0){
"NotIfy me only when apps try to make changes to my computer(do not dim my desktop)"
ElseIf($ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value -Eq 5 -And $PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value -Eq 1){
"NotIfy me only when apps try to make changes to my computer(default)"
ElseIf($ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value -Eq 2 -And $PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value -Eq 1){
"Always notIfy"
Function Set-UACLevel() {
Param([int]$Level= 2)
New-Variable -Name PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value
New-Variable -Name ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value
If($Level -In 0, 1, 2, 3) {
$ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value = 5
$PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value = 1
Switch ($Level)
0 {
$ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value = 0
$PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value = 0
1 {
$ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value = 5
$PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value = 0
2 {
$ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value = 5
$PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value = 1
3 {
$ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value = 2
$PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value = 1
Set-RegistryValue -Key $Key -Name $ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Name -Value $ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin_Value
Set-RegistryValue -Key $Key -Name $PromptOnSecureDesktop_Name -Value $PromptOnSecureDesktop_Value
"No supported level"
Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-UACLevel
Export-ModuleMember -Function Set-UACLevel