Kimden help compgen
$ help compgen
compgen: compgen [-abcdefgjksuv] [-o option] [-A action] [-G globpat] [-W wordlist] [-F function] [-C command] [-X filterpat] [-P prefix] [-S suffix] [word]
Display possible completions depending on the options.
Intended to be used from within a shell function generating possible
completions. If the optional WORD argument is supplied, matches against
WORD are generated.
Exit Status:
Returns success unless an invalid option is supplied or an error occurs.
Peki, seçenekler ne [-abcdefgjksuv]
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"man compgen", yok. "man bash" ı kullan
kevinf 11:15
man compgen
. Man sayfası kabuk yerleşikleri içindir, bu nedenle aşağı kaydırmanız gerekircompgen