Bu metni Vim'e ekliyorum:
t tttt ttttttttt tt tttt tt ttt tttttt-tttt-ttttttt
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttt ttt ttt tttttt
ttttttt tttt ttttttt: ttttttt tt ttttttt, ttttttt tt tttttt, tttttt tt ttttttt,
tttttt tt tttttt ttt. t tttttt tt ttt (tttt) ttttttt-tttttt-tt-ttttttt tttttt
for the "tttttt in ttttttt" part of the issue (in the previous week I have
worked on the "objects in objects" part). This part is about making it
possible for the end user to add arrays in objects. First of all I checked
that the current implementation allows putting arrays in objects at least
from the schema passed to the plugin constructor.
sonra tüm bu çizgileri görsel olarak seçip tuşuna basıyorum gq
. İçeriği:
t tttt ttttttttt tt tttt tt ttt tttttt-tttt-ttttttt
tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt ttttt ttt ttt tttttt
ttttttt tttt ttttttt: ttttttt tt ttttttt, ttttttt tt tttttt, tttttt tt ttttttt,
tttttt tt tttttt ttt. t tttttt tt ttt (tttt) ttttttt-tttttt-tt-ttttttt tttttt
for the "tttttt in ttttttt" part of the issue (in the previous week I have
worked on the "objects in objects" part). This part is about making it
possible for the end user to add arrays in objects. First of all I checked
that the current implementation allows putting arrays in objects at least
from the schema passed to the plugin constructor.
Lütfen bana son dört satırın başında neden beyaz boşluk olduğunu açıklayın. for
Bazı programlama dillerinde bir for
döngü başlatan beşinci satırdaki ilk sözcüğün ( ), bu satırlar kaydedilmemiş bir dosyada veya bir Markdown dosyasında olsa bile, Vim'in yeni bir girintili kod bloğu başlatması gerektiğini düşündürmesi mümkün müdür? ? Bu davranışı nasıl önleyebilirim ve gq
o boşluk eklemeyi nasıl durdurabilirim?
Benim comments
ayar varsayılan değeri vardır: s1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-
. .vimrc
Dosyamı burada görebilirsiniz .
Güncelleme: Benim fo
( formatoptions
) seçeneği değeri vardır tcq
, formatexpr
ve formatprg
seçenekleri boştur.
Soruyu güncelledim.