Greasemonkey için Gmail Otomatik BCC'yi kullanın .
/* This greasemonkey script automatically BCCs (or CCs) outgoing email from
* a gmail address to a specified email address
* Author: Jaidev K Sridhar mail<AT>jaidev<DOT>info
* Version: v20130510-1
* Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Jaidev K Sridhar
* Released under the GPL license version 2.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Gmail Auto BCC
// @namespace
// @description This greasemonkey script automatically BCCs (or CCs) outgoing email from a gmail address to a specified email address. This version is for the "new" version of gmail (Nov 2007).
// @include http*://*
// @include http*://*
// @version v20130510-1
// ==/UserScript==
// Control parameters -- tweak in about:config
// gBccMail = email Address : Email address to BCC to
// gBccEnabled = true / false
// gBccPopup = true / false : Pops up a confirmation prompt before adding BCC
// gBccHeader = "bcc" : Header to add. By default BCC. Can be set to "cc".
// gBccMapFromAddress = true / false : Use different addresses for different
// identities or different gmail accounts
// gBccLogging = 0-3 : Set log level (0-Disable, 1-Errors, 2-Warnings, 3-Verbose)
var redo_copy = 0;
var force_popup = false; /* For non-firefox users */
var gmail = null;
var logging = 0;
var L_ERR = 1;
var L_WAR = 2;
var L_VER = 3;
var ga_retries = 0;
var TOCLS = "dK nr";
var TOLISTCLS = "am";
var REBTN1 = "T-I J-J5-Ji T-I-Js-IF aaq T-I-ax7 L3";
var REBTN2 = "mG";
//var FWBTN2 = "XymfBd mD";
var RABTN = "b7 J-M";
var SENDTOOLTIP = "Send";
function gBccLog (level, logmsg) {
if (logging == 0) {
logging = GM_getValue ('gBccLogging');
if (logging == undefined) {
logging = 1;
GM_setValue ('gBccLogging', logging);
if (logging >= level) {
var d = new Date();
GM_log ("<" + level + ">[" + d.toLocaleTimeString() + "] " + logmsg);
function addBcc (tgt, oD) {
var enabled = GM_getValue('gBccEnabled');
if (enabled == false) {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Script disabled");
else if (enabled != true) {
/* We're probably running for the first time */
GM_setValue('gBccEnabled', true);
GM_setValue('gBccPopup', false); // FALSE by default
GM_setValue('gBccMapFromAddress', true); // TRUE by default
GM_setValue ('gBccLogging', 1);
enabled = true;
var form;
var forms = oD.getElementsByTagName ('form');
for (var i = 0; i < forms.length; i++) {
if (forms[i].elements.namedItem ('bcc')) {
form = forms[i];
//if (tgt.form) {
// form = tgt.form;
//else {
// if (tgt.getAttribute ('class') == REBTN) {
// form = tgt.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.lastChild.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild;
// }
// else if (tgt.getAttribute ('class') == RABTN) {
// form = tgt.parentNode.parentNode.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild.lastChild.lastChild.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild;
// }
if (!form) {
gBccLog (L_ERR, "No form");
var header = GM_getValue ('gBccHeader');
if (!header || !(header == "cc" || header == "bcc")) {
header = "bcc";
GM_setValue ('gBccHeader', "bcc");
gBccLog (L_VER, "Header = " + header);
var dst_field;
if (header == "cc")
dst_field = form.elements.namedItem('cc');
dst_field = form.elements.namedItem('bcc');
if (!dst_field) {
gBccLog (L_ERR, "No dst");
var gStatus = dst_field.getAttribute ('gid');
dst_field.setAttribute ('gid', "gBccDone");
/* Get the address to cc/bcc to */
var mapFrom = GM_getValue ('gBccMapFromAddress');
var remove = false;
if (form.elements.namedItem ('from')) {
var from = form.elements.namedItem('from').value;
else {
from = GM_getValue ('gBccCU');
if (mapFrom == true && from) {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Mapping identities");
var email = GM_getValue ('gBccMail_' + from);
if (gStatus == "gBccDone" && redo_copy == 0) {
if (tgt.nodeName == 'SELECT') {
var lue = GM_getValue ('gBccLU');
if (lue == null) {
remove = false;
else if (lue == email) {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Already copied");
var lu = new RegExp (lue + "(, )?");
remove = true;
else {
if (email == "disabled") {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Disabled for sender " + from);
if (remove == false)
email = "";
if (!email) {
email = prompt("gmailAutoBcc: Where do you want to bcc/cc your outgoing gmail sent from identity: " + from + "?\n\n Leave blank to disable gmailAutoBcc for this identity.");
if (email == false) {
GM_setValue ('gBccMail_' + from, "disabled");
gBccLog (L_VER, "Disabling for sender " + from);
if (remove == false)
email = "";
else {
GM_setValue ('gBccMail_' + from, email);
gBccLog (L_VER, "Enabling for sender " + from + "; Copying " + email);
else {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Not mapping");
if (gStatus == "gBccDone" && redo_copy == 0) {
/* Don't insert again! */
gBccLog (L_VER, "Already copied");
var email = GM_getValue('gBccMail');
if (!email) {
email = prompt("gmailAutoBcc: Where do you want to bcc/cc all your outgoing gmail?");
if (email == null || email == "" )
GM_setValue('gBccMail', email);
gBccLog (L_VER, "Enabling default, copying " + email);
if (mapFrom != false)
GM_setValue('gBccMapFromAddress', true); // TRUE by default
/* Should we confirm? */
redo_copy = 0;
var popup = GM_getValue ('gBccPopup');
if ((popup == true || force_popup == true) && email != "" ) {
if (confirm("Do you want to add BCC to " + email + "?") == false) {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Not copying");
else if (popup != false) {
GM_setValue ('gBccPopup', false); // FALSE by default
if (dst_field.value) {
if (remove) {
var bcc_str = dst_field.value;
if (bcc_str.match (lu)) {
/* Remove old email */
var new_bcc_str = bcc_str.replace (lu, "");
var end = new RegExp ("(, )?$");
dst_field.value = new_bcc_str.replace (end, "");
gBccLog (L_VER, "Replaced " + lue + " with " + email);
if (email == "")
if (dst_field.value) {
dst_field.value = dst_field.value+", " +email;
else {
dst_field.value = email;
gBccLog (L_VER, "Copied " + email);
/* Don't repeat */
GM_setValue ('gBccLU', email);
function gBccInit ()
try {
if (typeof (GM_getValue) != 'function') {
GM_log ("gmailAutoBcc: Greasemonkey function not available. If on Google Chrome or Chromium, re-install the script through TamperScript.");
var root = document;
if (unsafeWindow.GLOBALS) {
GM_setValue ('gBccCU', unsafeWindow.GLOBALS[10]);
root.addEventListener ("blur", function(event) {
if (typeof ( == 'function') {
var tg_cl = ("class");
if (!tg_cl) return;
if (tg_cl.match (TOCLS)) {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Trigger = field");
window.setTimeout (addBcc, 500,,;
else if (tg_cl.match (REBTN1) ||
tg_cl.match (RABTN)) {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Trigger = timeout");
window.setTimeout (addBcc, 500,,;
else {
//gBccLog (L_VER, "blur: " + tg_cl);
}, true);
root.addEventListener ("change", function (event) {
if ( ('name') == 'from') {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Trigger = sender change");
addBcc (,;
else if ( ('name') == 'to') {
gBccLog (L_VER, "Trigger = to");
window.setTimeout (addBcc, 500,,;
}, true);
root.addEventListener ("click", function (event) {
if (typeof ( == 'function') {
var tg_cl = ("class");
if (tg_cl && tg_cl.match (REBTN2))
gBccLog (L_VER, "CLICK: " + tg_cl);
redo_copy = 1;
window.setTimeout (addBcc, 500,,;
else {
//gBccLog (L_VER, "CLICK: " + tg_cl);
var tip ="data-tooltip");
if (tip && tip.match (SENDTOOLTIP)) {
}, true);
gBccLog (L_VER, "Initialized Script");
catch (ex) {
GM_log ("gmailAutoBcc: Exception '"+ ex.message);
if (ga_retries < 3) {
ga_retries ++;
window.setTimeout (gBccInit, 250);
} /* gBccInit */
window.setTimeout (gBccInit, 750);
ancak daha önce hiç denemedim.