Python 3, skor = 4/3 = 1.33… (N = 4) skor = 1.4 (N = 7)
Güncelleme: "statik" çözücüler kümesinde kaba kuvvet araması uygulandı ve yeni bir sonuç aldı
Daha ileri kararlar için ağırlıklandırma sonuçlarını kullanabilen dinamik çözücüler arayarak daha da geliştirilebileceğini düşünüyorum.
İşte tüm statik çözücülerden küçük n
değerler için arama yapan bir Python kodu (bu çözücüler her zaman aynı jeton setlerini, dolayısıyla "statik" adını tartar) ve ölçüm sonuçlarının yalnızca bir eşleşen jetona izin verdiğini kontrol ederek en kötü adım sayısını belirler. her durumda ayarlanır. Ayrıca, şimdiye kadar bulunan en iyi skoru ve daha önce bulunanlardan kesinlikle daha kötü olduklarını gösteren erken erik çözücüleri takip ediyor. Bu önemli bir optimizasyon, aksi takdirde bu sonucu bekleyemedimn
= 7 . (Ama yine de çok iyi optimize edilmedi)
Nasıl çalıştığı belli değilse soru sormaktan çekinmeyin…
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import itertools
from functools import partial
def get_all_possible_coinsets(n):
return tuple(itertools.product(*itertools.repeat((-1, 1), n)))
def weigh(coinset, indexes_to_weigh):
return sum(coinset[x] for x in indexes_to_weigh)
# made_measurements: [(indexes, weight)]
def filter_by_measurements(coinsets, made_measurements):
return filter(lambda cs: all(w == weigh(cs, indexes) for indexes, w in made_measurements), coinsets)
class Position(object):
def __init__(self, all_coinsets, coinset, made_measurements=()):
self.all_coinsets = all_coinsets
self.made_measurements = made_measurements
self.coins = coinset
def possible_coinsets(self):
return tuple(filter_by_measurements(self.all_coinsets, self.made_measurements))
def is_final(self):
possible_coinsets = self.possible_coinsets()
return (len(possible_coinsets) == 1) and possible_coinsets[0] == self.coins
def move(self, measurement_indexes):
measure_result = (measurement_indexes, weigh(self.coins, measurement_indexes))
return Position(self.all_coinsets, self.coins, self.made_measurements + (measure_result,))
def get_all_start_positions(coinsets):
for cs in coinsets:
yield Position(coinsets, cs)
def average(xs):
return sum(xs) / len(xs)
class StaticSolver(object):
def __init__(self, measurements):
self.measurements = measurements
def choose_move(self, position: Position):
index = len(position.made_measurements)
return self.measurements[index]
def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return 'StaticSolver({})'.format(', '.join(map(lambda x: '{' + ','.join(map(str, x)) + '}', self.measurements)))
def __repr__(self):
return str(self)
class FailedSolver(Exception):
def test_solvers(solvers, start_positions, max_steps):
for solver in solvers:
test_results = tuple(map(partial(test_solver, solver=solver, max_steps=max_steps), start_positions))
yield (solver, max(test_results))
except FailedSolver:
def all_measurement_starts(n):
for i in range(1, n + 1):
yield from itertools.combinations(range(n), i)
def next_measurement(n, measurement, include_zero):
shifted = filter(lambda x: x < n, map(lambda x: x + 1, measurement))
if include_zero:
return tuple(itertools.chain((0,), shifted))
return tuple(shifted)
def make_measurement_sequence(n, start, zero_decisions):
yield start
m = start
for zero_decision in zero_decisions:
m = next_measurement(n, m, zero_decision)
yield m
def measurement_sequences_from_start(n, start, max_steps):
continuations = itertools.product(*itertools.repeat((True, False), max_steps - 1))
for c in continuations:
yield tuple(make_measurement_sequence(n, start, c))
def all_measurement_sequences(n, max_steps):
starts = all_measurement_starts(n)
for start in starts:
yield from measurement_sequences_from_start(n, start, max_steps)
def all_static_solvers(n, max_steps):
return map(StaticSolver, all_measurement_sequences(n, max_steps))
def main():
best_score = 1.0
for n in range(1, 11):
print('Searching with N = {}:'.format(n))
coinsets = get_all_possible_coinsets(n)
start_positions = tuple(get_all_start_positions(coinsets))
# we are not interested in solvers with worst case number of steps bigger than this
max_steps = int(n / best_score)
solvers = all_static_solvers(n, max_steps)
succeeded_solvers = test_solvers(solvers, start_positions, max_steps)
best = min(succeeded_solvers, key=lambda x: x[1])
except ValueError: # no successful solvers
score = n / best[1]
best_score = max(score, best_score)
print('{}, score = {}/{} = {}'.format(best, n, best[1], score))
print('That\'s all!')
def test_solver(start_position: Position, solver, max_steps):
p = start_position
steps = 0
while not p.is_final():
steps += 1
if steps > max_steps:
raise FailedSolver
p = p.move(solver.choose_move(p))
return steps
except IndexError: # solution was not found after given steps — this solver failed to beat score 1
raise FailedSolver
if __name__ == '__main__':
Searching with N = 1:
(StaticSolver({0}), 1), score = 1/1 = 1.0
Searching with N = 2:
(StaticSolver({0}, {0,1}), 2), score = 2/2 = 1.0
Searching with N = 3:
(StaticSolver({0}, {0,1}, {0,1,2}), 3), score = 3/3 = 1.0
Searching with N = 4:
(StaticSolver({0,1}, {1,2}, {0,2,3}, {0,1,3}), 3), score = 4/3 = 1.3333333333333333
Searching with N = 5:
Searching with N = 6:
Searching with N = 7:
(StaticSolver({0,2}, {0,1,3}, {0,1,2,4}, {1,2,3,5}, {0,2,3,4,6}), 5), score = 7/5 = 1.4
Searching with N = 8:
Searching with N = 9:
(I gave up waiting at this moment)
Bu hat
(StaticSolver({0,2}, {0,1,3}, {0,1,2,4}, {1,2,3,5}, {0,2,3,4,6}), 5), score = 7/5 = 1.4
, bulunan en iyi çözücüyü ortaya çıkarır. {}
Parantez içindeki sayılar , her adımda ağırlıklandırma cihazına konacak madeni para endeksleridir.