Denote Σ1 and Σ2 your matrices both of dimension p.
- Cond number:
log(λ1)−log(λp) where λ1 (λp) is the largest
(smallest) eigenvalue of Σ∗, where Σ∗ is defined as:
Edit: I edited out the second of the two proposals. I think I had misunderstood the question. The proposal based on condition numbers is used in robust statistics a lot to assess quality of fit. An old source I could find for it is:
Yohai, V.J. and Maronna, R.A. (1990). The Maximum Bias of Robust
Covariances. Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods, 19,
I had originally included the Det ratio measure:
- Det ratio: log(det(Σ∗∗)/det(Σ2)∗det(Σ1)−−−−−−−−−−−−−−√)
where Σ∗∗=(Σ1+Σ2)/2.
which would be the Bhattacharyya distance between two Gaussian distributions having the same location vector. I must have originally read the question as pertaining to a setting where the two covariances were coming from samples from populations assumed to have equal means.