İşte başlıyoruz - üç örnek. Ben mantığı daha net hale getirmek için gerçek bir uygulamada olacağını daha az verimli kod yaptım (umarım.)
# We'll assume estimation of a Poisson mean as a function of x
x <- runif(100)
y <- rpois(100,5*x) # beta = 5 where mean(y[i]) = beta*x[i]
# Prior distribution on log(beta): t(5) with mean 2
# (Very spread out on original scale; median = 7.4, roughly)
log_prior <- function(log_beta) dt(log_beta-2, 5, log=TRUE)
# Log likelihood
log_lik <- function(log_beta, y, x) sum(dpois(y, exp(log_beta)*x, log=TRUE))
# Random Walk Metropolis-Hastings
# Proposal is centered at the current value of the parameter
rw_proposal <- function(current) rnorm(1, current, 0.25)
rw_p_proposal_given_current <- function(proposal, current) dnorm(proposal, current, 0.25, log=TRUE)
rw_p_current_given_proposal <- function(current, proposal) dnorm(current, proposal, 0.25, log=TRUE)
rw_alpha <- function(proposal, current) {
# Due to the structure of the rw proposal distribution, the rw_p_proposal_given_current and
# rw_p_current_given_proposal terms cancel out, so we don't need to include them - although
# logically they are still there: p(prop|curr) = p(curr|prop) for all curr, prop
exp(log_lik(proposal, y, x) + log_prior(proposal) - log_lik(current, y, x) - log_prior(current))
# Independent Metropolis-Hastings
# Note: the proposal is independent of the current value (hence the name), but I maintain the
# parameterization of the functions anyway. The proposal is not ignorable any more
# when calculation the acceptance probability, as p(curr|prop) != p(prop|curr) in general.
ind_proposal <- function(current) rnorm(1, 2, 1)
ind_p_proposal_given_current <- function(proposal, current) dnorm(proposal, 2, 1, log=TRUE)
ind_p_current_given_proposal <- function(current, proposal) dnorm(current, 2, 1, log=TRUE)
ind_alpha <- function(proposal, current) {
exp(log_lik(proposal, y, x) + log_prior(proposal) + ind_p_current_given_proposal(current, proposal)
- log_lik(current, y, x) - log_prior(current) - ind_p_proposal_given_current(proposal, current))
# Vanilla Metropolis-Hastings - the independence sampler would do here, but I'll add something
# else for the proposal distribution; a Normal(current, 0.1+abs(current)/5) - symmetric but with a different
# scale depending upon location, so can't ignore the proposal distribution when calculating alpha as
# p(prop|curr) != p(curr|prop) in general
van_proposal <- function(current) rnorm(1, current, 0.1+abs(current)/5)
van_p_proposal_given_current <- function(proposal, current) dnorm(proposal, current, 0.1+abs(current)/5, log=TRUE)
van_p_current_given_proposal <- function(current, proposal) dnorm(current, proposal, 0.1+abs(proposal)/5, log=TRUE)
van_alpha <- function(proposal, current) {
exp(log_lik(proposal, y, x) + log_prior(proposal) + ind_p_current_given_proposal(current, proposal)
- log_lik(current, y, x) - log_prior(current) - ind_p_proposal_given_current(proposal, current))
# Generate the chain
values <- rep(0, 10000)
u <- runif(length(values))
naccept <- 0
current <- 1 # Initial value
propfunc <- van_proposal # Substitute ind_proposal or rw_proposal here
alphafunc <- van_alpha # Substitute ind_alpha or rw_alpha here
for (i in 1:length(values)) {
proposal <- propfunc(current)
alpha <- alphafunc(proposal, current)
if (u[i] < alpha) {
values[i] <- exp(proposal)
current <- proposal
naccept <- naccept + 1
} else {
values[i] <- exp(current)
naccept / length(values)
Vanilya örneği için şunu elde ederiz:
> naccept / length(values)
[1] 0.1737
> summary(values)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
2.843 5.153 5.388 5.378 5.594 6.628
düşük bir kabul olasılığı, ancak yine de ... teklifin ayarlanması burada yardımcı olabilir veya farklı bir teklif kabul edebilir. İşte rastgele yürüyüş önerisi sonuçları:
> naccept / length(values)
[1] 0.2902
> summary(values)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
2.718 5.147 5.369 5.370 5.584 6.781
Birinin umduğu gibi benzer sonuçlar ve daha iyi bir kabul olasılığı (bir parametre ile ~% 50 hedefleyen).
Ve, bütünlük için, bağımsızlık örnekleyicisi:
> naccept / length(values)
[1] 0.0684
> summary(values)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
3.990 5.162 5.391 5.380 5.577 8.802
Posteriorun şekline "uyum sağlamadığı" için, en zayıf kabul olasılığına sahip olma eğilimindedir ve bu problem için iyi ayarlanması zordur.
Genel olarak konuşursak, yağlı kuyruklu teklifleri tercih edeceğimizi, ancak bu başka bir konudur.